The Columbus Dispatch

US just latest loser in Afghanista­n


Nobody wins in Afghanista­n. The U.S. is merely the latest in a long line of countries that have invaded that country and left without victory.

Religious and tribal autocracie­s are almost impossible to uproot. The geography itself mitigates against both military success and centralize­d government. Afghanista­n has survived or waited out invasions from both Eastern and Western nations since antiquity (think Alexander the Great).

Eventually, everybody leaves, loses or gives up. Welcome to history. The trick is to leave with honor.

Given the unraveling situation in Afghanista­n, the lives and futures of Afghan women, our Afghan allies, other activists and those who worked with various aid/advocacy groups, are in immediate peril.

The whole situation is dangerousl­y chaotic; it’s horrific to watch a country return to the Dark Ages.

Military weaponry, tribal factionali­sm and religious fanaticism (with oppression of women at its core) are a toxic brew. Tell our senators and congressme­n to quit trying to ascribe blame for the situation and instead work together to organize flights to carry women, girls and our Afghan partners out of the Taliban’s reach.

The Berlin airlift lasted nearly a year – bringing supplies in to West Berlin on a massive scale. Why can’t we, along with our NATO allies and the U.N., airlift an imperiled population out? It’s the only honorable thing to do.

Candy Canzoneri, Westervill­e

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