The Columbus Dispatch

Use baskets, nail polish to avoid losing remote controls

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000 or send a fax to 1-210-HELOISE

Dear Readers: We have lots of remotes in our homes, so it can be hard to keep track of them. Put a couple of baskets near the TV where the controls should be placed. And, to make them easier to find, paint each remote control with a dot of bright red nail polish or put a strip of colorful tape around them.

— Heloise

Dear Readers: Getting a present that’s gift-wrapped is a happy and memorable event. To save money, you can get creative with your homemade creations. Here are some fun ideas:

K Need to wrap a big child’s toy? Use a pillowcase. Select one with the child’s favorite cartoon character or design. Put the gift in the pillowcase and tie with yarn or raffia and add a small teddy bear.

K Have a large box to wrap? Purchase large paper tablecloth­s when they are on sale. It will fit around the item and save you money.

K Liven up plain bags by having your children apply beads, stickers, stamps and drawings to make a cute gift bag.

K Add a floral touch to a package. You can tape a beautiful rose to a package or a small bunch of wildflower­s for a lovely impression.

— Heloise

Dear Readers: Oh, this laundry problem does happen! And it’s an annoying task to get rid of gum from inside of the dryer. Here’s how to make it easier:

First, put several old towels in the dryer and let it run on warm for a couple of minutes. This will soften the gum.

Then combine 1 tablespoon of powdered laundry detergent with water and make a paste. Apply it with a cloth and scrub over the gum inside the entire dryer then wipe out. Before placing clothes back in the dryer, run it again with a few damp rags to be sure all of the gum is gone.

Remember to check your pockets for gum before putting clothes in the dryer!

— Heloise

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