The Columbus Dispatch

Good for parasites, unproven for COVID

People using the drug, despite warnings

- Bryce Buyakie

The anti-parasitica­l drug, ivermectin, is in the news again.

This time a Butler County judge in Ohio ruled that West Chester Hospital is not compelled to treat a COVID-19 patient with ivermectin, according to a Cincinnati Enquirer report.

As the courts weighed this recent decision, more people have bought and used the commonly used animal anti-parasite drug to treat cases of COVID-19 and taken it as a preventati­ve.

While ivermectin is used to treat parasites, head lice and skin conditions like rosacea in humans, the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion cautions against its use for viruses as prescripti­ons for the drug have increased since the start of the pandemic.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported an average of 88,000 new weekly prescripti­ons of ivermectin at retail pharmacies from pre-pandemic levels that averaged 3,600 weekly prescripti­ons — a 24fold increase.

This spike in prescripti­ons has led to a three-fold increase in the number of poison control center calls for ivermectin use in humans since the start of January, according to the report.

Because the FDA and CDC have not approved the drug for COVID-19 and have not received an emergency use authorizat­ion, the FDA, doctors and veterinari­ans recommend not using it to treat or prevent COVID-19 infections.

Is ivermectin effective against viruses like COVID-19?

Fred Gingrich, a cattle veterinari­an and Executive Director of the American Associatio­n of Bovine Practition­ers in Ashland, commonly uses the anti-parasitic drug on cattle he treats.

"It's primarily used to treat parasites in cattle, sheep, swine and horses," Gingrich said. "There are other formulatio­ns that are approved like for heartworm preventati­ves in dogs and things like that."

Because he doesn't treat humans, Gingrich cannot give medical advice, but he said there is no evidence that ivermectin can treat viruses like COVID-19

in cattle.

There have been studies conducted to determine its use in a laboratory setting, but he said these studies need to be replicated to determine the drug's effectiveness.

He also cautioned against taking these studies at face value because they were conducted in labs in controlled situations.

"There's no evidence that I'm aware of that it has any usefulness for viral infections in cattle," he said. "It's pretty much used as a dewormer."

The FDA is conducting ongoing clinical trials to determine whether ivermectin is effective against COVID-19 in humans, but so far, the results show that the drug is ineffective against the virus.

What makes ivermectin dangerous?

Ivermectin is not a dangerous drug when taken as prescribed and received from a trusted pharmacy.

It only becomes dangerous when too much is taken at one time or a period of time that is contrary to the dosing instructio­ns given by a physician, according to the CDC. It is also dangerous to take medicine intended for animal use.

"The problem is that because ivermectin is an over-the-counter product and the cattle formulatio­n is an overthe-counter product, there are people that are going to, TSC and farm stores, and purchasing ivermectin and taking it themselves," Gingrich said.

The product was manufactur­ed for animals that weigh 700 or more pounds, he said, so the concentrat­ion differs compared to the human variation.

If taken, it could and has made individual­s sick while others have been hospitaliz­ed, according to the FDA.

When the human version is taken more times than prescribed, illness and hospitaliz­ation could also occur.

The FDA screens human medicine for potentiall­y toxic inactive ingredient­s at a higher rate than animal medicine, which means medicine intended for animals includes a greater quantity of such ingredient­s.

"In some cases, we don't know how those inactive ingredient­s will affect how ivermectin is absorbed in the human body," the FDA'S website reads.

What are the signs of ivermectin overdose?

According to the CDC, clinical signs of overdose from the use of ivermectin include gastrointe­stinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Overdose from the drug is associated with hypotensio­n and neurologic effects such as decreased consciousn­ess, confusion, hallucinat­ions, seizures, coma and death.

Anyone who takes ivermectin should consult their physician before doing so as it can have unknown side effects when mixed with other drugs that treat depression like benzodiaze­pines and barbiturat­es, according to the CDC.

U.S. poison control centers reported two examples of adverse effects resulting from ivermectin.

In one example, an adult drank an injection intended for cattle use in an attempt to prevent COVID-19.

Upon hospitaliz­ation, the patient showed signs of confusion, drowsiness, visual hallucinat­ions, tachypnea and tremors. While they recovered, the patient was discharged after nine days.

Another adult patient took ivermectin tablets purchased from an unknown online provider.

According to the poison control center, the patient took five tablets a day for five days to treat COVID-19. When hospitaliz­ed, they were disoriente­d and had difficulty answering questions and following commands.

Symptoms improved once the tablets were discontinu­ed per hospital recommenda­tions.

Reach Bryce by email at

 ?? TOM E. PUSKAR/ WOOSTER TIMES-GAZETTE.COM ?? Equimax containing ivermectin is seen on a shelf at Tractor Supply in Ashland recently.
TOM E. PUSKAR/ WOOSTER TIMES-GAZETTE.COM Equimax containing ivermectin is seen on a shelf at Tractor Supply in Ashland recently.

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