The Columbus Dispatch

Russo must tell voters who she is

- Your Turn Robert Paduchik Guest columnist

Is she a Pelosi puppet, a Biden loyalist or a squad supporter?

Ohio voters deserve to know where Allison Russo stands before casting their ballots on Nov. 2.

Thus far, Russo has hidden from voters in Ohio’s 15th Congressio­nal District.

Russo hopes she can masquerade her political philosophy to evade the ire of the extreme wing of the Democrat Party.

Or maybe her political philosophy is isolated to whichever way the proverbial winds blow. So, who is Allison Russo?

As a state representa­tive, Russo supported critical race theory-type legislatio­n that designated racism a public health crisis, establishe­d educationa­l programmin­g to dismantle systemic racism and instituted hiring based in racial equity.

Does Russo agree with Alexandria Ocasio-cortez that America is a racist country? Constituen­ts of Ohio’s 15th Congressio­nal district should know.

It is reported that 79% of Americans support requiring government-issued photo identification in order to vote. And yet, Russo has been endorsed by a group that wants to eliminate voter ID laws. Will Russo side with the vast majority of Ohioans who support commonsens­e voting safeguards, or will she bow to the progressiv­e super PACS that fund her?

Does Russo, like many of her Democrat colleagues, support abortion up until birth? As state representa­tive, Russo voted against the Heartbeat Bill. She has been endorsed by and has taken thousands of dollars from groups that support infanticid­e and taxpayer funded abortions.

The Biden-harris administra­tion and Democrat controlled Congress’ crazed spending spree is sending consumer prices skyrocketi­ng and soaring inflation. Biden already spent $1.9 trillion, now he wants an additional $3.5 trillion. Would Russo vote for her Democrat colleagues’ reckless socialist spending spree?

Voters in OH-15 know Russo shares the elitist hypocrisy pervasive among all wings of her party. Rules for thee, but not for me: Russo claims that she is committed to getting dark money out of politics, but Russo is “honored” to have the support of the dark money group 3.14 Action.

As she purports to be a health advocate, she has taken thousands of dollars from pharmaceut­ical corporatio­ns that have raised the price of lifesaving medication­s. One of the companies that funded Russo even raised the price of medication­s during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Russo’s actions speak for themselves. But it’s past time for Allison Russo to come clean and tell Ohio voters who she is.

Robert Paduchik is the chairman of the Ohio Republican Party. He previously served as senior adviser for Donald Trump’s 2020 presidenti­al campaign and was co-chairman of the Republican National Committee from 2017-19.

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