The Columbus Dispatch

Ohio State’s country music fan, not from this country

- Lori Schmidt Columbus Dispatch | USA TODAY NETWORK

How many times were you stateside before you signed with Ohio State?

Twice. Once when I was maybe 13 years old and then in 2019. When I was younger it was just a family vacation. Then 2019, with a couple of my friends, one of my best friends, we decided to take a couple months vacation and go see America and see what was going on.

What’s been the hardest adjustment to living in the United States?

Probably the weather. That’s a bit different than back home. It’s pretty hot where I’m from. Especially when I got here in January, and it’s peak winter, it was a bit different. Like, driving and stuff with the snow and all that kind of stuff.

Did you even have a coat?

No. Coach (Ed) Terwillige­r dropped a coat off to me in the hotel when I first got here, the day I got here. He asked me if I had a winter coat, but I didn’t own one of those.

How many times has someone come up to you since you’ve arrived here and been like, “Hey, mate, let’s throw some shrimp on the barbie?”


You’re kidding.

No, I don’t mind. It’s all a bit of fun. Especially the specialist guys, they love trying to mimic me, and they have a bit of fun with that, so it doesn’t really bother me too much.

Is the impression ever good?

Not really. I’ll give coach Chris (Fenelon), my strength coach — he’s getting better. He tries most days. He’s getting there. So keep working at it.

You have some pretty hardcore ink for being a punter.

Yeah. I have a few. No real meaning behind most of them.

They just look cool?

Yeah, I just like the art. That’s about it. Just stuff I had wanted and seen over time, I guess.

What’s your favorite class?

Probably the human nutrition class I’m in at the moment. I’m enjoying that,

so that’s good. Just how it relates to my life in sport and getting my body right.

What do you like to do when you’re not playing sports?

Most things are pretty sporty related, to be honest. We’ve got a ping pong table at my house. I live with Dom (Dominic Dimaccio), one of the kickers, and one of our friends, and we play a bit of ping pong now. And we golf, all the specialist guys outside of here. We’re not really good, but we have fun doing it.

So who’s the most eccentric specialist on this roster?

Maybe Dom. I’ll go with Dom.

What’s the most eccentric thing he does?

What’s he do? He’s a very gassy little man. He burps a lot. And he thinks it’s pretty funny. He’s like a child like that. That’s something we tease him about.

If you’re not the most eccentric, you must have some talent that you can exploit to land an NIL deal, right?

I’m not allowed to get NIL deals at the moment due to my visa. No internatio­nal students are. So that’s a bit of a problem at the moment, but I think they’re trying to fix it. So there goes that. But probably back to the ping pong. I am undefeated in the United States. I’ve never lost here. We play pretty regularly, so probably that.

What is something about Australia that most Americans don’t know?

There’s not deadly animals everywhere. I live in a normal suburb like people do here.

What’s your favorite part of Columbus so far?

Just probably the Short North. It’s a nice little area. There’s plenty of nice restaurant­s and stuff.

Twenty years from now, what ideally do you see yourself doing?

I want to be involved in sport, I think. Whether that’s at the collegiate level or the profession­al level, just working in sport every day. I’m not sure what yet, but I think that would excite me.

Favorite sport that’s not football?

Probably Australian football. It’s different. It’s completely different. And if not that, probably cricket.

What’s your favorite kind of music?

Country music. I listen to a lot of country music.

And favorite musician?

Luke Combs.

How often do you sing along?

Pretty often. When I’m in the car and stuff like that? Yeah.

Yeah? Are you a good singer?

No, no.

 ?? ADAM CAIRNS/COLUMBUS DISPATCH ?? Ohio State punter Jesse Mirco is a freshman out of Fremantle, Australia.
ADAM CAIRNS/COLUMBUS DISPATCH Ohio State punter Jesse Mirco is a freshman out of Fremantle, Australia.

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