The Columbus Dispatch


- Peter Tonguette

Netflix recounts Billy Milligan’s crimes, defense

One of the most infamous and idiosyncra­tic cases in the annals of Columbus crime is given an exhaustive treatment in a new documentar­y currently streaming on Netflix. h “Monsters Inside: The 24 Faces of Billy Milligan,” a four-episode documentar­y that debuted on the streaming service on Wednesday, takes as its subject Billy Milligan, a Columbus man who in 1977 was accused of kidnapping, robbing and raping three women close to the campus of Ohio State University. The crimes rattled Greater Columbus at the time, but it was Milligan’s defense that gave the case lasting interest — enough to warrant a high-profile documentar­y some 44 years after the events took place.

When confronted with the charges, Milligan's defense team asserted that his crimes were committed while he inhabited several alternate personalit­ies between which he switched — in this case, Ragen, a 23-year-old Yugoslavia­n man whom Milligan said did the robberies; and Adalana, a 19-year-old women whom Milligan said was responsibl­e for the sexual crimes.

Bolstered by psychiatri­sts who attested to Milligan suffering from multiple-personalit­y disorder, and aided by public defenders Gary Schweickar­t and Judy Stevenson, Milligan's argument was persuasive enough to convince Franklin County Common Pleas Judge Jay C. Flowers to issue a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity.

The ins and outs of the court case are compelling enough, but director Olivier Megaton's documentar­y is far moreambiti­ous than a garden-variety account of legal proceeding­s.

Megaton, a French filmmaker whose previous credits include the big-budget action films “Taken 2,” “Taken 3” and “Colombiana,” uses a full complement of cinematic techniques to evoke the context of Milligan's case, including old newscasts, footage of psychiatri­c sessions with Milligan (during which he shifts his accent depending on which personalit­y he is inhabiting), archival photograph­s and new interviews with major players.

Among those interviewe­d on-camera are Milligan's brother, Jim Morrison, and sister, Kathy Preston; prosecutor­s Ron O'brien and Terry Sherman; psychiatri­st George Harding, of Harding Hospital; and former Dispatch reporters Mark Ellis and Bob Ruth, whose coverage of the case helped make it a cause celebre in the late 1970s and into the '80s.

Following the first episode, which gives an overall account of the crimes, defense strategy and dispositio­n of the case, Megaton backtracks in the second episode to explore the origins of Milligan's psychologi­cal problems; whether or not one believes his multiple-personalit­y defense — the film presents evidence for and against such a diagnosis — it's clear that Milligan was deeply disturbed.

The documentar­y describes a troubled childhood for Milligan and his siblings, whose mother, Dorothy, a native of the Fairfield County village of Amanda who moved to Miami to pursue what proved to be a failed career as a nightclub singer. Two failed relationsh­ips, including with Billy and his siblings' father, Johnny Morrison, preceded her return to Ohio and marriage to Chalmer Milligan, who adopted Dorothy's children.

By the accounts of those interviewe­d, Chalmer Milligan was a violent, mercurial man who took out his aggression on passive, inward-looking Billy — a plausible explanatio­n for the fragmentat­ion of Billy's personalit­y.

When Billy begins committing petty crimes as an adolescent and is said to have difficulty rememberin­g them, the stage is set for his subsequent defense. To the documentar­y's credit, though, the core issue in Milligan's case — did he legitimate­ly possess as many as 24 multiple personalit­ies and is the claim that he lapsed into them while doing bad deeds a plausible defense? — is treated even-handedly.

The leading proponents of the defense theory are given a hearing, including, in archival footage, late psychiatri­st Cornelia Wilbur (already a household name for her involvemen­t in another multiple-personalit­y disorder case that became the basis of the Sally Field TV movie “Sybil”). Modern psychiatri­c voices interviewe­d here raise doubts about the pervasiven­ess of multiplepe­rsonality disorder, now called dissociati­ve identity disorder, as it was understood in Milligan's day.

The documentar­y is at its most-compelling when portraying Milligan as a criminal who becomes something of a victim — a rather hapless figure who, during a 10-year stretch in state hospitals, bounces between assorted doctors and receives conflicting diagnoses and medication­s.

The subject of a book by “Flowers of Algernon” author Daniel Keyes, Milligan is presented as a cash cow for some involved in his case, though he is unrepentan­t in his own efforts to monetize his notoriety: he becomes well-known as a painter and sells his canvases at high prices.

Milligan reaches a breaking point in 1986, when he vanishes from a Columbus hospital and, using an assumed name, relocates to the Pacific Northwest.

He is credibly linked in the documentar­y to two unsolved murders, one in Ohio, the other during his time on the lam in Bellingham, Washington, though he was a free man from 1988 onward.

Before his death in 2014, Milligan made contact with “Titanic” director James Cameron and hoped a movie would be made of his life — surely a disquietin­g prospect for his victims and their families.

Milligan's tale takes so many twists and turns that this documentar­y never flags despite a total running time north of four hours. True-crime aficionados will relish rehashing a case that remains colorful, confoundin­g and, for all involved parties, deeply sad.


 ?? COLUMBUS DISPATCH FILE Special to Columbus Dispatch | USA TODAY NETWORK ?? ABOVE: Billy Milligan in a 1979 file photo.
COLUMBUS DISPATCH FILE Special to Columbus Dispatch | USA TODAY NETWORK ABOVE: Billy Milligan in a 1979 file photo.
 ?? COLUMBUS DISPATCH FILE ?? Billy Milligan, right, with his attorney, Steve Thompson, in 1981.
COLUMBUS DISPATCH FILE Billy Milligan, right, with his attorney, Steve Thompson, in 1981.

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