The Columbus Dispatch

Celebrate our First Amendment by understand­ing it

- Your Turn Jan Neuharth Guest columnist

In this simmering season of division and distrust, there’s one thing that just about all of us agree on: We treasure the First Amendment.

Saturday was First Amendment Day, a day to celebrate the document that allows all Americans – without government interferen­ce – to practice a faith or not, speak freely, publish ideas, gather in support or protest, and petition the government for change. It marked the day in 1789 when Congress sent the amendments that became the U.S. Constituti­on’s Bill of Rights to the states for approval.

To salute the occasion, the Freedom Forum — an organizati­on devoted to fostering First Amendment freedoms for all — released a survey conducted in 2020, when we asked more than 3,000 Americans how they feel about the First Amendment today.

The big takeaway from the survey, titled “The First Amendment: Where America Stands”? Amid our disagreeme­nts on everything from politics to the pandemic, one value unites the vast majority of us: 94% of respondent­s — across generation­s and the political spectrum — view the First Amendment as “vital.”

But we don’t agree on much else about it:

h More than a third of Americans would give up free speech to get rid of hate speech, but an almost equal number support unfettered free speech.

h 69% say social media sites should be held responsibl­e for allowing false or misleading informatio­n to be posted.

h People are equally divided (37% to 37%) over whether business owners should have to fulfill customer requests that violate their religious beliefs.

h Nearly 60% say the news media should act as watchdogs on the powerful, but only 14% trust journalist­s.

h 75% do not believe that government mandates due to COVID-19 infringe on the rights of assembly, speech and religion, but 1 in 4 people disagree.

h In a year when protests over racial injustice swept the nation, most people – 69% – have never participat­ed in a protest, rally or march.

h 73% of people have signed a petition, but only 14% could name it as one of the five First Amendment freedoms.

The First Amendment connects us as Americans. It protects our right to express our deepest beliefs in word and action. Yet most Americans can’t name the five freedoms it guarantees — religion, speech, press, assembly and petition. In order to preserve and protect these fundamenta­l rights for future generation­s, we all need to know, understand, value and defend these freedoms not just for ourselves, but also for each other. Even those with whom we disagree.

Celebrate the First Amendment by doing something to promote the diversity of experience­s and perspectiv­es that define our democracy. Share your deepest beliefs with someone. Reach across a political divide or your family’s dinner table and debate current events. Support your local news outlet. Join a new group on social media and explore perspectiv­es that are different from yours.

And toast the fact that we all share these First Amendment freedoms, not just when we exercise them for ourselves, but when we defend the rights of others to do the same.

This piece first appeared on Jan Neuharth is chair and chief executive officer of the Freedom Forum. Twitter: @Janneuhart­h

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