The Columbus Dispatch

Case for being boring with your money

- Sara Rathner

The idea of gaining wealth in flashy ways isn’t new. After all, Charles Ponzi, for whom Ponzi schemes were named, defrauded investors more than 100 years ago with a get-rich-quick scheme built on a foundation of lies. Today, speculativ­e investment­s, multilevel marketing companies and other risky efforts to turn a profit still lay seductive traps.

You can always leave your money alone in an interest-bearing account and let time do its thing, but that doesn’t exactly make for exciting party conversati­ons, does it? So we open and close accounts. We invest in hot stocks and sell them at the first sign of bad news. We mess with our money because, in our minds, growing wealth is supposed to take effort.

In a world full of financial influencers peddling products and friends bragging about buying NFTS, it’s perfectly fine to manage your money in a mostly yawn-inducing way. Here’s why.

Being boring gives you more time to live your life

Dealing with your money is a necessary chore, and it’s not exactly fun. Thankfully, we live in efficient times. In a few minutes, you can set up automatic money transfers that quietly send your cash into separate accounts serving different purposes. Why keep money management on your to-do list when it can happen on its own quite literally while you sleep?

“Money is a means by which you live your life, not life itself,” Meg Bartelt, financial planner and founder of Flow Financial Planning, said in an email. “The more complicate­d, changeable or scary your investment­s are, the more time you spend working on them or thinking about them, and therefore the less time you have to live life.”

Being boring keeps you from making rash decisions

It’s important to take a peek at your investment accounts periodical­ly, but obsessing over every market move is exhausting and counterpro­ductive. It can lead to making reactive decisions that hurt your wealth in the long run.

Choosing to be boring with your money is an exercise in letting go of the illusion of total control. Yes, there will always be round-the-clock financial news, but not everything happening in the larger economy affects you as an individual. Turn off news and stock market alerts on your phone so you no longer feel that itch to react. Instead, mindfully decide when to watch the news and check on your accounts so you can stay informed with less stress.

What boring money management looks like

h Create a plan you (mostly) stick to: Bartelt finds that, whether her clients avoid their money or obsessivel­y track it, it’s because they all feel the same emotion: fear. The antidote is a financial plan based on specific goals and values. “Having a plan is reassuring,” she said. “Once they have the plan, or hell, once they know they’re going to have one, people relax.” Base your savings and investing goals on what you intend to spend money on in the short-, medium- and long-term. Leave wiggle room for life changes and other uncertaint­ies, because those are guaranteed to happen.

h Prepare for emergencie­s: There’s nothing particular­ly sexy about emergency funds, life insurance and up-to-date wills, but should the unexpected happen, these things can help you stay financially steady.

h Automate your money: Transfer funds automatica­lly from checking to savings or from checking to a brokerage account. Contributi­ng to a 401(k) through your job is automation, too, since that money comes out of your paycheck directly.

Once you have your boring financial foundation in place, you can sprinkle on some riskier investment­s if you want. But remain faithful to your plan. “You have to actively and continuous­ly ignore the ubiquitous distractio­ns, charlatans, and blowhards in order to stay true to your own values and goals,” Bartelt said.

Contact Sara Rathner at

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