The Columbus Dispatch

Black males ‘racialized as perpetual suspects’

- Your Turn Thaddeus L. Johnson and Natasha N. Johnson

Recently released FBI data confirms that Americans endured two public health crises last year: COVID-19 and deadly violence. Although the murder rate remains below the 1990s high, the number spiked in the United States spiked by nearly a third in 2020.

Undoubtedl­y, an escalation of this magnitude is alarming. But simply focusing on this staggering tally doesn’t tell the whole story and gives the false impression that all Americans are equally affected by the surge in killings.

Regardless of location, the harsh reality remains that Black families disproport­ionately experience­d the trauma of losing loved ones to violence.

The data pushes back against the popular portrayal of Black men as criminal perpetrato­r instead of victim. And unfortunat­ely, from the looks of last year’s FBI homicide figures, the victimizat­ion race gap isn’t changing.

The nearly 10,000 Black homicide victims last year (28% more than in 2019) prominentl­y underpin the increase. In many major U.S. cities such as Los Angeles and Atlanta, this increase has been almost exclusivel­y among victims of color since the pandemic’s beginning.

Unlike the murders of white citizens, Black homicide victims generally fail to elicit a massive police

response or large-scale public outrage unless the killing is especially heinous or occurs in areas not generally associated with Black communitie­s (no matter how misguided the associatio­n).

Black victims remain underrepre­sented in U.S. news broadcasts, and as a consequenc­e, they’re rarely recognized socially as crime victims deserving of justice or empathy. Uneven news coverage also aggravates racial tensions between Black and white Americans by perpetuati­ng a narrative of white victimizat­ion, which flies in the face of reality.

Lawmakers have stayed true to their political party ideologies when approachin­g violent crime based on these flawed narratives. On one side, liberals tend to recognize the importance of race, but they regularly propose initiative­s lacking genuine cultural responsive­ness to the Black experience. On the other, conservati­ves raise arguments for larger police forces and “tough on crime” policies that ultimately burden Black households.

Amid this ongoing political tug of war, very little recognitio­n has been given to those most likely to be violently killed but also most likely to be depicted as predators – Black boys and men. Black males are criminally racialized as perpetual suspects, owing largely to their overrepres­entation as offenders in popular and news media.

News outlets in New York City, for example, reported on various crimes with Black people as suspects, including murders, at a clip far outpacing their arrest rates for these offenses, according to studies by Media Matters for America.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data reveals that in 2019, Black males were about 21 times more likely to be killed than white women and nearly eight times more likely to be killed than white men. The gap in victimizat­ion is similar dating back to 1999.

The current focus of academics and activists on racial equity for defendants and convicted offenders somewhat downplays similar racial disparitie­s in the treatment of victims.

And the fact that victims and offenders often share similar social characteri­stics implies that deeper issues are at play that cannot be fixed by “hot-spot” or “stop-and-frisk” policing tactics.

The broader issue of criminal violence has systemic roots. The lingering effects of discrimina­tory policies like redlining and mass incarcerat­ion restrict opportunit­ies for people of color and have left many once-thriving Black neighborho­ods begging for revitaliza­tion as blight and neighborho­od distress limit residents’ ability to bridge the wealth gap.

Policing indeed has a role in reducing violent crime, much of which should revolve around targeting those responsibl­e for the bulk of the violence.

However, violent crime will continue to haunt marginaliz­ed neighborho­ods for generation­s to come as long as residents are isolated and desperate. Because persons in grim circumstan­ces are at higher risk of resorting to crime and violence, the federal government must urgently invest in underserve­d communitie­s to address root causes of crime like economic depravity, poorly resourced schools and community underinves­tment.

Congress must seize its opportunit­y to finally get it right and help thwart the violence plaguing many Black Americans. After the recently failed police reform talks, lawmakers’ response to violent crime might very well determine this Congress’ legacy.

Fortunatel­y, some government officials get it. Most notably, Sens. Chris Coons, D-del., and Raphael Warnock, DGA.,

have recently pushed for $10 billion to revitalize these communitie­s. The plan involves sending federal funds directly to groups working to revitalize economical­ly challenged neighborho­ods. This endeavor would include constructi­ng health centers, job training facilities, commercial spaces and community gardens – all protective factors against violent crime.

Also, initiative­s that tackle racial inequities in homeowners­hip through affordable housing, address community wealth, spark new economic activity and provide much-needed health care services should help reduce crime and break the cycle of poverty and social exclusion in underserve­d neighborho­ods.

Let’s be clear. We’re not suggesting handouts but simply asking our government to ensure everyone has a fair shake at the American dream.

That’s the best way to lower crime rates and stem the rate of Black male victimizat­ion.

Thaddeus L. Johnson, a former police officer, is a senior fellow at the Council on Criminal Justice and teaches criminolog­y at Georgia State University. His wife, Natasha N. Johnson, is a faculty member at Georgia State and director of the university master’s program in criminal justice administra­tion.

 ?? DAVID GOLDMAN/AP ?? Worshipers embrace after a group prayer across the street from the scene of a shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in June 2015 in Charleston, S.C.
DAVID GOLDMAN/AP Worshipers embrace after a group prayer across the street from the scene of a shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in June 2015 in Charleston, S.C.

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