The Columbus Dispatch

Incorporat­e three things to help make holiday parties fun

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000 or send a fax to 1-210-HELOISE

Dear Readers: The holiday season is here, and we are preparing for a round of parties from now until the New Year. If you like to entertain, here are three basic things that contribute to making those parties fun and memorable.

The setting: Think about the first impression guests will have when coming into your house. Do you have holiday plants or decoration­s in the entryway? What kind of mood are you creating with lighting? Is it festive? You want your house to be warm and inviting.

The scent: What will guests smell when they enter your home? Aromatic candles, cookies baking or fresh holiday greens will provide familiar and happy scents. And so will all that cooking in the kitchen!

The sound: Put on your favorite Christmas music. If you have children who play instrument­s or like to sing, give them a platform to perform.

— Heloise

Dear Readers: With all of the action in your home during this time, your nosy dogs and cats can get into quite a bit of trouble with all the plants (including the Christmas tree), decoration­s and packages. So try to monitor them closely or keep them away from major temptation­s.

Keep your pets from chewing ornaments, especially glass ornaments, which are clearly dangerous if swallowed. Don’t allow them to drink from the Christmas tree water, which might contain bacteria or fertilizer.

And keep them away for holly, mistletoe and Christmas cacti. Put these plants up high and away from your pet’s reach.

— Heloise

Dear Readers: Cleaning is a bore and a chore. Save time and effort when cleaning with these hints. Buy a couple of plastic totes and fill each one with all the cleaning supplies you use, along with microfiber cloths and a roll of paper towels. Then put one under the kitchen sink, in each bathroom and in the laundry room. You won’t have to waste time looking for supplies.

— Heloise

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