The Columbus Dispatch

NE Ohio records state’s first case of tick-borne Powassan disease

- Paige Bennett

Ohio’s first case of Powassan Virus Disease, a rare tick-borne illness, has been detected in Columbiana County.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed last week that a resident from the Lisbon area has the uncommon but potentiall­y lifethreat­ening illness, according to the Columbiana County Health District.

The patient has been hospitaliz­ed at Akron Children’s Hospital since October. Various healthcare agencies have worked together to confirm the diagnosis.

The Ohio Department of Health’s Zoonotic Disease Program, which focuses on controllin­g diseases transmitta­ble from animals to humans, will do surveillan­ce in Columbiana County for ticks potentiall­y carrying Powassan Virus Disease (POW) over the next several weeks.

What is POW?

The disease is carried by blacklegge­d or deer ticks and transmitte­d to people through tick bites. These ticks remain active when temperatur­es are above freezing and the ground is not frozen or snow-covered, according to a release from the Columbiana County Health District.

“(Deer ticks) have kind of come into our area, and now they’re very common,” Columbiana County Public Informatio­n Officer Laura Fauss said. “Obviously Lyme Disease has increased in our area, and this is the same tick that carries this Powassan Disease and Lyme Disease.”

Should Ohioans be concerned?

Only about 100 cases of POW have been reported in the U.S. over the last 10 years, according to the CDC. But the numbers appear to be going up.

In 2019, the CDC recorded 39 cases of the tick-borne illness, 18 more than the previous year. From 2010 to 2015, the U.S. roughly nine cases annually.

Most cases are found in the northeaste­rn states and the Great Lakes region, where deer ticks are most active. People who spend time outdoors or in wooded areas are at a higher risk of infection.

Signs and symptoms

A case of POW can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including headache, fever, vomiting, weakness, confusion, loss of coordinati­on and speech difficulti­es. In serious cases, the illness can result in seizures and death.

Symptoms can appear anytime from one week to one month after a tick bite, according to the Columbiana County Health District.

Fauss said it’s important for people to be aware of the symptoms of POW so they can alert their healthcare provider if they start to experience them.

“Identifyin­g ticks is important, too,” she said. “If you had a dog tick on you, obviously that’s not going to transmit the virus. But if it was a deer tick, it possibly could.”

What should you do if you’re bitten by a tick?

The Ohio Department of Health advises people to remove ticks as soon as possible, using a pair of fine-tipped tweezers and pulling it away from skin with steady pressure. Once the tick is removed, it should be disposed of by placing it in alcohol or a sealed container or flushing it down the toilet.

Ticks should not be removed using petroleum jelly, a hot match, nail polish or any other folk remedies, according to the state health department.

Tips for avoiding tick bites, according to the Columbiana County Health District

• Walk in the middle of trails. Avoid tall grass, brush and leaf piles.

• Use Epa-registered repellents labelled for use against ticks on skin. Always follow the label instructio­ns.

• Treat clothing and gear such as pants, boots, socks and tents with a product containing permethrin, or buy permethrin-treated clothing and gear. Do not apply permethrin directly to skin.

• Wear long pants, long sleeves and long socks; tuck pant legs into socks.

• Wear light colors to make it easier to see ticks.

Anyone concerned they may have a tick-borne illness should contact their healthcare provider. For more informatio­n, visit

Reach Paige at 330-580-8577 or, or on Twitter at @paigembenn.

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