The Columbus Dispatch

Food fight results in bitter end of friendship

- Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069

Dear Abby: When a friend of mine “makes dinner” for invited guests, it’s either takeout Chinese food or delivered pizza. Frankly, I am sick of it. Last Thanksgivi­ng, they invited me and several others over for dinner. You guessed it! Chinese food. I told my friend I was surprised and not in the mood for Chinese food, offered my apologies and left. We didn’t talk for four months.

This past year I was again invited to Thanksgivi­ng dinner. I declined and, when asked why, said, “I’m sick and tired of what is being offered.” The response was, “Then I guess I’ll stop inviting you. And I don’t need your friendship.” I replied, “Glad we are on the same page!”

Abby, this “friend” knows how to cook and could certainly order something different. Was I out of line?

— Fed Up In The West

Dear Fed Up: When someone accepts an invitation to someone’s home, rather than criticize the menu, they should be grateful for the hospitalit­y being extended. The way you phrased your reason for declining was rude. You could have inquired about the menu and asked if you could bring something more “traditiona­l.”

Dear Abby: On Sunday evening, a much older woman I’d never met came to my door saying she was a neighbor and was there to recruit me to participat­e in a political lobbying event her church was sponsoring.

I tried to refuse nicely. But then she said several times she required my name, email address and phone number so she could send me more informatio­n as well as opportunit­ies to pass the informatio­n to other people. Saying “no, thank you” and trying to excuse myself to get back to my children didn’t lessen her persistenc­e. Eventually, I apologized and closed the door on her. How could I have handled this better? — No Soliciting

Dear No Soliciting: The person who came to your door had an agenda; it wasn’t a social call. In a situation like the one that was thrust upon you, good manners did not require you to offer an apology. Frankly, you should have closed your front door SOONER.

Dear Abby: I’m a 65-year-old woman who has never enjoyed sex. I’ve had lovers, and I’m a very affectiona­te person, but the act itself has never been comfortabl­e for me. Now that I’m post-menopausal, it’s practicall­y impossible.

I have never been married, but I want to find someone. In fact, I yearn for a life partner. I’m on dating sites, and my question is: How should I describe myself? It seems most men want sex. Should I include my lack of interest in sex in my profile so they know what they’re getting?

— Everything But That In New York Dear Everything But: It would benefit you to go online and search for dating sites for people who want romance only, without sex. These sites do exist. You are DEFINITELY not alone.

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