The Columbus Dispatch

‘Messiah’ performed by symphony, chorus

- Peter Tonguette

Next weekend, central Ohio classical music lovers will have a reason to exclaim “Hallelujah!”

Next Sunday at the Mccoy Center for the Arts, the New Albany Symphony Orchestra and Chorus will perform George Frideric Handel’s beloved oratorio “Messiah” — known by music fans and casual listeners alike for its joyous, thrilling “Hallelujah Chorus” section.

The concert represents something of a comeback for the sacred piece in Greater Columbus: Neither the Columbus Symphony nor the Promusica Chamber Orchestra, both of which usually make performanc­es of the “Messiah” part of its Christmas season offerings, have presented the work during the pandemic.

Although modern audiences most often expect to encounter Handel’s masterpiec­e in the run-up to Christmas, the New Albany Symphony’s decision to program the “Messiah” during the season of Lent is historical­ly accurate: The piece premiered on April 13, 1742, in Dublin, Ireland.

“We’ll be performing it actually on Palm Sunday,” said Executive Director Heather Garner. “So we were able to get this date in the hall, and it just worked out perfectly to do it this way.”

(A sensory-friendly performanc­e Saturday, featuring an abbreviate­d version of the “Messiah,” sold out.)

New Albany Symphony Chorus Director

Michael Martin, who will oversee a roster of about 60 singers for the concerts

next weekend, says that there’s no reason why the “Messiah” has to be saved for the Christmas season.

“I think some churches view it as archaic,” said Martin, referring to performing the work near the Easter season rather than close to Christmas. “So they go with what’s familiar.”

Handel’s work an incredible feat

No matter what time of year the work is performed, however, the sounds made by orchestra and voices are likely to be heavenly.

“You marvel at the way Handel was inspired by God to write this work,” said Martin, pointing to the composer’s quick turnaround of the piece (most sources say that Handel penned the work in 24 days).

“It’s three hours’ worth of music,” said Martin, adding that, with some abbreviati­ons, this version will run about two hours.

Not that the work can be prepared hastily: Martin said that the chorus has been rehearsing the “Messiah” since Feb. 1.

The work, Martin said, is “demanding on the breath mechanism for the choir . ... By the time the rehearsal is over, we’re exhausted.”

In addition to the chorus, the orchestra, under the direction of Music Director Luis Biava, will be joined by four vocal soloists: baritone Andy Blosser, soprano Chelsea Hart, bass Robert Kerr and alto Carolyn Redman.

“(We’re) excited to bring these four together to work with us and the chorus,” Garner said. “We’re lucky to have them here in Columbus.”

The chorus itself returned to pandemic-era performing with a holiday concert in December, but the upcoming performanc­e of the “Messiah” is a special one. After all, who wants to wait another eight or nine months to hear such a majestic piece of music?

“We’re bringing it back,” Garner said, “and we’re bringing it back during a time that it’s usually not heard.”


 ?? JACK GARNER ?? The New Albany Symphony and Chorus will perform Handel’s “Messiah” on April 10.
JACK GARNER The New Albany Symphony and Chorus will perform Handel’s “Messiah” on April 10.

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