The Columbus Dispatch

We collect the titles of the year – so far

- Barbara Vandenburg­h

A plague-ravaged world bent by time travel. A serial killer counting down the minutes on death row. Two Jedi at odds working together to solve a mystery. A wife helping her husband die with dignity. These have little in common, except they’re all subjects of some of the year’s best books so far.

Tthe year already has delivered an embarrassm­ent of literary riches: Jennifer Weiner wrote the ultimate beach read just in time for summer break; Emily St. John Mandel expanded our minds with a time-bending novel that made us feel smarter for having read it; and Amy Bloom broke our hearts with a memoir about her husband’s assisted suicide.

They are among the nine books this year USA TODAY critics gave perfect eeee reviews. Here’s the complete list of this year’s best reads so far:

‘The Summer Place’

By Jennifer Weiner

From the master of the summer beach read comes the story of a family in all its messy glory forced to face its issues – secrets, misunderst­andings, regrets and unhealed wounds – as a Cape Cod beach house wedding looms. This sweet summer treat hits the spot on a warm summer day. “With its Cape Cod setting that evokes seashells, cool water, melting ice cream and summer bliss, it’s sure to be the must-have beach bag item this year,” our critic writes.

‘Star Wars: Brotherhoo­d’

By Mike Chen

Set shortly after the events of “Star Wars: Attack of the Clones,” “Brotherhoo­d” stars Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker investigat­ing a devastatin­g explosion on Cato Neimoidia. With peace on the brink, the quarrelsom­e master and apprentice must stand together as brothers. The book came out just in time to whet fans’ appetites before the Disney series “Obi-wan Kenobi” premiered in May, and our critic called it “one of the best ‘Star Wars’ novels to date.”

‘Sea of Tranquilit­y’

By Emily St. John Mandel

The author of “Station Eleven” and “The Glass Hotel” delivered a fantastica­l new novel that sweeps across time and space, taking readers from Vancouver Island in 1912 to a lunar colony 500 years later. “‘Sea of Tranquilit­y’ is full of grandeur but without even a whiff of grandiosit­y,” our critic raved. “It’s transporti­ng and brilliant and generous, and I haven’t ever read anything quite like it.”

‘Don’t Know Tough’

By Eli Cranor

Billy Lowe is the star running back for the high school football team in Denton, Arkansas. When his troubled home life causes him to act out on the field, head coach Trent Powers is determined to save him. Think “Friday Night Lights” with a Southern Gothic twist. Our critic writes: “’Don’t Know Tough’ takes the adage of “Faith, Family, and Football” and reveals it to be a vicious canard, or at least a decent cover for the common failings of god and men, the violence on the field an acceptable proxy for the violence that exists behind closed doors. A major work from a bright, young talent.”

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