The Columbus Dispatch

Babies are the big winners Time to actually be pro-life


Monday’s article, “Columbus adoption agencies prepare for fallout from reversal,” (one pro-life paragraph) stoked fear that child welfare agencies will be swamped with babies for adoption. But as long as a baby is put up for adoption fairly early, by age 1, there are long lists of potential parents.

What a win-win: The baby gets to live and those who often desperatel­y want a child can become parents.

Choice Network founder Molly Rampe Thomas said that abortion is not always in the best interest of the mother, but the one certain thing Is that abortion is never in the best interest of the baby and especially so when there are adoptive parents available.

Kevin W. Brown, Columbus

I grew up Catholic and early on believed that abortion was morally wrong and sinful in every situation. Now, as a 40-year-old man, I have come to believe that abortion is more gray than black and white.

One of the ways that helped me come to this conclusion was when my wife and I decided to become foster parents in the state of Ohio. We fostered and eventually adopted a sibling group of four beautiful children when they were ages 1, 2, 3, and 4. Due to a shortage of foster parents, we likely were the only foster parents in our county who were able to keep them from being separated.

This raised the question, “What would we as a society ever do if every child conceived whose parents weren’t capable of parenting needed a foster home?”

There are not enough foster parents; there is not enough affordable health care, not enough child care, not enough good-paying jobs, not enough paid time off, not enough affordable homes, not enough affordable food, not enough affordable transporta­tion, not enough done to counter the devastatin­g effects of climate change, etc.

This is my call to you, Democrats, do not do what the Republican­s have done for 50 years and make the elections about one issue. Too many Catholics and Christians have voted on this one issue only.

I want you to use the anger you’re feeling today to make lasting changes that will impact all Americans. With every bill, remind citizens that as a society we are bringing children into this world and we will take care of them.

Pass universal health care. It is a prolife issue.

Tax the billionair­es. It is a pro-life issue.

Create green jobs and energy. It is a pro-life issue.

Pass gun reforms. It is a pro-life issue. Create homes for the homeless. It is a

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