The Columbus Dispatch

Russia pounds Ukraine; Putin talks in Iran

‘Everything is ruined’ in Donetsk city of Kramatorsk

- Susie Blann

KYIV, Ukraine – Russian missiles struck cities and villages in eastern and southern Ukraine on Tuesday, hitting homes, a school and a community center as Russian President Vladimir Putin traveled to discuss a U.n.-backed proposal to unblock exports of Ukrainian grain.

In Kramatorsk, a city in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk province that is considered a likely occupation target of Russian forces, one person was killed in an airstrike that hit a five-story residentia­l building, regional governor Pavlo Kyrylenko said.

Ukraine’s Emergency Service said on Telegram that 10 people were wounded, five of them hospitaliz­ed, but it didn’t mention any deaths.

Fresh blood stained the concrete nearby as apartments on at least two floors burned. In the aftermath of the attack, shrapnel was placed in a small pile near an empty playground.

“There was no one here. Everything is ruined,” said Halyna Maydannyk, the resident of one burned apartment. “Who knows why they’re doing this? We were all living peacefully.”

Kramatorsk residents Mykola Zavodovsky­i and Tetiana Zavodovska stood in bandages outside a local hospital. They said they heard a loud clap and went to their balcony to investigat­e. Then everything exploded and the windows shattered.

“Probably it was a rocket, and probably it was brought down by Ukrainian forces,” Zavodovska said.

The midday strike came after Kyrylenko had reported four earlier Russian strikes in Kramatorsk and urged civilians to evacuate.

Russian forces also fired seven Kalibr cruise missiles overnight at the Odesa region in southern Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry said strikes on the village of Bilenke had a legitimate military goal and “destroyed depots of ammunition for weapons supplied by the United States and European countries.”

A local official disputed Moscow’s

claim and said six people were wounded.

“These strikes on peaceful people have one goal – to intimidate the population and the authoritie­s and keep them in constant tension,” Serhiy Bratchuk, the speaker of the Odesa regional government, told Ukrainian television.

Amid indication­s that Ukraine was planning counteratt­acks to retake occupied areas, the Russian military in recent weeks has targeted Odesa and parts of southern Ukraine where its troops captured cities earlier in the war.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces on the ground in the east are fighting to hold onto the declining territory under their control. Donetsk has been cut off from gas supplies and in part from water and power as the Russians try to complete their capture of the province.

“The infrastruc­ture of the cities is being methodical­ly destroyed by missile strikes, and the civilian population, cut off from bare necessitie­s, suffers the most,” regional governor Kyrylenko said in televised remarks.

Russian-installed officials in the

southern region of Kherson, which has been under Moscow’s control since early on in the war, said Ukrainian forces damaged the only bridge in the city of Kherson over the Dnipro River, east of Odesa.

Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the Kherson region’s Kremlin-backed administra­tion, told Russian news agency Interfax that the Ukrainian forces used American-made rocket launchers to damage the bridge in an attempt to cut Kherson off from the left bank of the Dnipro.

Ukrainian officials have spoken of plans for a counter-offensive to retake Kherson and other southern Ukrainian territory from the Russians.

Serhiy Khlan, an official with the Ukrainian administra­tion of the Kherson region, tacitly confirmed the strike on Ukrainian television, reporting “a precise hit” and explosion in the area of the bridge.

Ukraine and Russia continued their sporadic exchanges of bodies of fallen soldiers. Russia’s Ria-novositi news agency said each side gave the other 45 soldiers’ bodies in the Zaporizhzh­ia region. It said the soldiers had been killed in Mariupol, the Azov Sea city that captured worldwide attention because of a weeks-long siege of a steel plant.

At least two civilians were killed and 15 more were wounded by Russian shelling across Ukraine over the past 24 hours, Ukraine’s presidenti­al office said in a morning update.

With Russia’s missiles hitting cities 497 miles apart on Tuesday, “there remains a high level of threat of missile strikes throughout the territory of Ukraine,” said Oleksandr Shtupun, spokesman of the General Staff of the Ukrainian armed forces.

The missile strikes came as the British military said it believes Russia is facing “increasing­ly acute” problems in keeping up its troop strength in its grinding war of attrition that began with the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine.

The British Defense Ministry said in a Tuesday morning assessment that Russia “has struggled to sustain effective offensive combat power since the start of the invasion, and this problem is likely becoming increasing­ly acute” as Moscow seeks to conquer the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.

The British military added: “While Russia may still make further territoria­l gains, their operationa­l tempo and rate of advance is likely to be very slow without a significan­t operationa­l pause for reorganiza­tion and refit.”

In other developmen­ts Tuesday:

● Ukraine’s parliament approved President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s decision to dismiss Ivan Bakanov as head of the country’s Security Service, the SBU. Zelenskyy removed Bakanov, as well as Iryna Venediktov­a, who served as Ukraine’s prosecutor general, over the weekend. The parliament separately voted to approve Venediktov­a’s ouster. As part of the reshuffle, Zelenskyy on Tuesday also fired heads of five regional branches of the SBU and one deputy head of the agency.

● Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska, visited Washington at the invitation of U.S. first lady Jill Biden. Zelenska met Monday with Secretary of State Antony Blinken. U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price said Blinken assured her of the United States’ commitment to Ukraine, and commended her for her work with civilians dealing with trauma and other damage from the war.

 ?? OLEKSANDR GIMANOV/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? This school was damaged following a Russian missile strike in a village in the Odesa region of Ukraine. The Russian military in recent weeks has targeted Odesa and parts of southern Ukraine where its troops captured cities earlier in the war.
OLEKSANDR GIMANOV/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES This school was damaged following a Russian missile strike in a village in the Odesa region of Ukraine. The Russian military in recent weeks has targeted Odesa and parts of southern Ukraine where its troops captured cities earlier in the war.

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