The Columbus Dispatch

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ‘I thank the Paulists’


It breaks my heart that the bishop is removing from ministry a group of dedicated priests who, for 66 years, have shepherded the Catholic students of Ohio State University.

The Paulist Fathers have built a community where undergradu­ates show up looking for something and join the most beautiful church community I have ever been a part of.

Those who stay in greater Columbus after graduation also stay members of the Newman Center parish, creating a connection for the students to the community where they live (and, coincident­ally, ensuring the Newman Center is financiall­y stable as a parish).

The Paulists are the rare priests who literally mean it when they say, “All are welcome,” and in that act of radical welcome they truly meet people wherever they are on their spiritual journey and create opportunit­ies for them to meet Christ.

It is so rare among Catholic parishes for it to be so easy to get involved and to be part of a group that will lift your spirit and help you find your way to God.

The Newman Center was one of two Catholic churches where I was always excited to invite others to join me – others who had left the church or fallen away, because their experience with the Catholic church had left them feeling stuck on their spiritual journey rather than greeted with God’s unconditio­nal love.

I thank the Paulists for their dedicated service to the Ohio State community and wish them the best in their future pastoral service.

Their future parishione­rs are lucky to have them, wherever they may be.

Alicia Fernandes, Leesburg, Va.

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