The Columbus Dispatch

Stop acting as shills for the gas industry


In the Jan. 11 column “Natural gas green, clean and abundant right under our feet,” Rep. Troy Balderson lauds the Ohio Legislatur­e for its formal declaratio­n that natural gas is “a clean and green energy source.” Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

Yes, natural gas is a cleaner fuel than coal, but burning gas still contribute­s to global warming.

Also, Balderson and the natural gas industry fail to acknowledg­e that the major component of natural gas – methane – is 80 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Recent studies show that the processes for extracting and distributi­ng natural gas are incredibly leaky, allowing more than 10 million metric tonnes of this potent warming gas to escape into the atmosphere annually – in just the U.S. alone.

A study released just this week shows the frightenin­g levels to which the world’s oceans have warmed since the late 1950s. This heat is supplying energy that increases the power of storms around the planet. We’ve already started to see the mass movement of people away from drought – and flood – stricken areas (including coastal flooding). It is estimated that by 2050 more than a billion people will be on the move, a huge threat to global security.

I urge Rep. Balderson and our Republican-dominated state legislatur­e to stop acting as shills for the gas industry and instead think about the world we want to leave to our grandchild­ren. Time is running out.

Tom Baillieul, environmen­t scientist, Columbus

Thanks, Joe

Re: “Biden’s student loan safety net” Jan. 11: Well Joe’s done it again. He disproves the statement, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.”

Charlie M. Miller, West Jefferson


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