The Columbus Dispatch

Handling adversity


It’s said that adversity introduces a man to himself. If you’re declarer at four spades and seem to have three trumps and a heart to lose, how do you react?

Today’s auction looks odd, but some players believe in bidding when it’s their turn. I might have opened as South had the long suit been a major. North had 12 good points and was unwilling to stop below game, though he might have seen South’s “opening bids” before.


West led a heart, and South’s situation looked grim. He took the ace and knew that leading a trump was futile. So South cashed the Q-K of clubs and next led the ace. West ruffed with his low trump; if he ruffed with the ace, dummy would pitch the heart loser.

Declarer overruffed in dummy, ruffed a diamond and led another club. West had to discard again, declarer threw dummy’s last heart and East ruffed.

South ruffed the heart return in dummy, threw his last heart on the ace of diamonds and led a trump: queen, nine, ace. He lost one more trump to the king, making four. What’s the problem?

Daily question

You hold: ♠ K Q 5 ♥ Q 9 6 5 ♦ K J 2 ♣7 6 4. The dealer, at your right, opens one club. After two passes, your partner bids one heart. The opening bidder passes. What do you say?

Answer: Your partner may have “balanced” with a light hand. Actions in the “passout” seat may be shaded, to prevent the opponents from buying the contract cheaply. If partner had an opening bid or more, he might have started with a double. Settle for a raise to two hearts.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable

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