The Columbus Dispatch

Peacekeepi­ng force calls on Kosovo, Serbia to return to talks


PRISTINA, Kosovo – The NATO-LED peacekeepi­ng force on Friday called on both Kosovo and Serbia to return to the negotiatin­g table to resolve their issues to prevent violence like the recent shootout between masked Serb gunmen and Kosovo police that left four people dead and sent tensions soaring in the region.

Kosovo Force commander Maj. Gen. Angelo Michele Ristuccia called on both countries to “refrain from inflammato­ry and counterpro­ductive rhetoric and help to create the necessary conditions for lasting security in Kosovo and across the region.”

In February, the EU put forward a 10point plan to end months of political crises. Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić gave their approval at the time, but with some reservatio­ns that haven’t been resolved.

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