The Columbus Dispatch

Trump’s religion is hypocrisy


Donald Trump, who, if not atheistic is certainly irreligiou­s, is now selling Bibles to raise money.

The irony is almost beyond descriptio­n. The best I can do is “opportunis­tic religious hypocrisy.”

Neal Snyder, Columbus

With so much animosity between the two political parties there is no room for compromise, cooperatio­n or meaningful progress.

When a large number of House Republican­s provided a budget proposal to address the potential insolvency of Social Security, Democrats immediatel­y called the proposal “extreme” without offering any proposal of their own.

The top Democrat on the house budget committee called the proposed changes “an attack on seniors, veterans, and the middle class.”

However, the Republican proposal left all current Medicare recipients unchanged, would not impact those who will soon be on Medicare, and made modest increases in the current Social Security age of 62 for those years away from reaching this age.

Republican­s equally are unwilling to consider any Democratic proposals.

For example, efforts by the Biden administra­tion to address immigratio­n problems are met with immediate rejection with no Republican counter proposal.

Republican­s believe immigratio­n is a winning campaign issue, and are determined not to have any resolution on Joe Biden’s watch.

The losers, given both political parties’ unwillingn­ess to listen and consider the other side, are the American people. It is reminiscen­t of the African metaphor “When elephants fight, the grass gets trampled.”

We can only hope that the current divisive attitude will give way to reaching positive solutions sooner rather than later.

Bob Weiler, Columbus

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