The Columbus Dispatch

Honor veterans’ sacrifices; end Ohio’s gerrymande­ring

- Rex Huppke Columnist USA TODAY

As a result, Ohioans voted under unconstitu­tional legislativ­e maps during the 2022 midterm elections.

Politician­s and back-room insiders disregarde­d the court and the will of the people by repeatedly submitting maps that were rejected as unconstitu­tional. Then, in 2023, politician­s from both parties met behind closed doors and struck a deal to impose new gerrymande­red maps.

Establishm­ent politician­s have proved that they cannot be trusted to draw fair legislativ­e districts using an open and transparen­t process.

A broad nonpartisa­n coalition of Ohio citizens has come together to end gerrymande­ring by proposing the Citizens Not Politician­s Amendment to our state constituti­on.

The proposed legislatio­n would replace the current politician-dominated commission with a 15-member Ohio Citizens Redistrict­ing Commission that would include Republican, Independen­t and Democratic voters.

It bans current and recent political officehold­ers, those with strong political ties, and lobbyists from drawing maps and makes it unconstitu­tional to draw maps that favor one party.

Petitioner­s must collect 413,487 valid voter signatures by July 3 to place it on the 2024 general election ballot.

Signing those petitions would be a patriotic and honorable way to remember the sacrifice of those who have fought to protect our representa­tive form of government.

I am a combat veteran who fought for my country on foreign lands, believing that I was sacrificin­g for the greater cause of preserving freedoms given and maintained by constituti­onal rule of law.

The effects of gerrymande­ring impact how my vote is counted and have enhanced divisions where compromise is seen as weakness, creating a political environmen­t reminiscen­t of the Cold War acronym MAD (mutual assured destructio­n).

The eyes of the fallen, who perished preserving the right to vote, are watching.

Politician­s can’t look beyond their personal or their party’s interests.

I support the amendment because I believe citizens, not politician­s, should draw district maps to safeguard our right to fair elections and representa­tive government on this Memorial Day and beyond.

Columbus real estate developer Scott W. Patton is a member of a Gold Star family and combat veteran that served in the 101st Airborne Division, 82nd Airborne Division, 5th Special Forces Group and 19th Special Forces Group.

 ?? Scott W. Patton Guest columnist ??
Scott W. Patton Guest columnist

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