The Columbus Dispatch

Give feedback for $270M in Columbus road projects

- Nathan Hart Columbus Dispatch USA TODAY NETWORK

The Mid-ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) wants feedback on a number of road projects planned to start in the next few years.

The $270 million in projects span multiple central Ohio counties, including Franklin, Fairfield and Licking. MORPC is currently asking the Ohio Department of Transporta­tion for funding on these projects, and constructi­on would start in 2025 or 2026.

“Central Ohio is growing rapidly — on pace to reach 3.15 million people by 2050. Projects like these are essential for preparing and accommodat­ing this growth within our mobility network,” Parag Agrawal, MORPC’S chief mobility and infrastruc­ture officer and senior director of programmin­g, said in a news release.

Those interested in commenting on the projects can email or send written feedback to Shelby Oldroyd at 111 Liberty Street, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43215. The feedback deadline is 5 p.m. on Aug. 16, 2024, according to the release.

Here are five of MORPC’S big projects they want the public to comment on:

Interstate 71 hard shoulder running/smart lane

This project would create a hard shoulder running lane on Interstate 71 between Fifth Avenue and Route 161 in Columbus. A hard shoulder running lane is a paved shoulder that opens up to traffic during peak hours. The project would also rehabilita­te bridges and resurface the roadway.

MORPC is asking ODOT for $100 million for constructi­on in fiscal year 2026.

I-71 & Taylor Road/route 256 interchang­es

This project will improve the Interstate 70 interchang­es at Route 256 and Taylor Road in Fairfield and Licking counties. Crews will realign ramps, add auxiliary lanes, build a new bridge and add turn lanes.

MORPC is asking ODOT for $7 million to acquire property for the project starting in fiscal year 2025.

US Route 33 southeast corridor (Interstate 270 to Fairfield Co.)

This project will widen U.S. Route 33 from four lanes to six lanes between Interstate 270 and Diley Road in Fairfield County.

Crews will also upgrade interchang­es at I-270 and U.S. 33, U.S. 33 and Bixby Road and U.S. 33 and Rager Road. The intersecti­on at Rager Road will become two cul-de-sacs.

MORPC is asking ODOT for $145 million for constructi­on in fiscal year 2026.

Dublin Emerald Connector

This project will build a new bridge that will include pedestrian and bike facilities over I-270 connecting Emerald Parkway to Village Parkway in Dublin.

The city of Dublin is asking ODOT for $5 million for constructi­on in fiscal year 2026.

North Knot

This project will improve infrastruc­ture on Route 315, Olentangy River Road, Lane Avenue and Kinnear Road near Ohio State University’s campus. Crews will work on bridges, signals, intersecti­ons, interchang­es and ramps.

The city of Columbus is asking for $7.8 million to start constructi­on in fiscal year 2026.

Central Ohio Rural Planning Organizati­on projects

MORPC’S rural counterpar­t, the Central Ohio Rural Planning Organizati­on (CORPO) is also asking for funding for two projects. They are:

● State Route 13 Relocation in Mount Vernon

● U.S. Route 23 and Route 762 Interchang­e in Pickaway County @Nathanrhar­t

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