The Commercial Appeal

When character takes a seat at the table



Character reveals itself in a politician’s personal life; that Gingrich’s is full of disturbing conduct is his fault, not the fault of the media, says WASHINGTON —

“BY DEFINITION, if you run for president, anything is on the table. Ask Grover Cleveland. Ask Andrew Jackson. Anything is on the table. I accept that, but I don’t have to participat­e in the conversati­on.”

That was Newt Gingrich, last May, when I asked him about whether intrusion into candidates’ personal lives had gone too far. At the time, Gingrich’s biggest headache was his Tiffany shopping habit, but Gingrich obviously had issues of sexual misconduct on his mind as well: Cleveland was assailed for allegedly having an out- of-wedlock child, Jackson for a possibly bigamous marriage.

And I thought Gingrich had it about right: When you run for president, you open yourself to the kind of searching scrutiny that a finger-pointing, voice -raised Gingrich condemned at Thursday night’s debate.

“I think the destructiv­e, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and I am appalled that you would begin a presidenti­al debate on a topic like that,” Gingrich told CNN’S John King.

Gingrich, denouncing the reports from his second ex-wife as “trash” and “false,” continued. “Every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things,” he said, to wild cheering from the audience. “To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significan­t question in a presidenti­al campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine.”

And then, to even wilder cheering, the inevitable liberal media attack. “I am tired,” Gingrich proclaimed, “of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republican­s.”

Let’s dispense, first, with Gingrich’s bias point: It plays great, but it’s bogus. The “elite media” love a juicy story, all the better if it’s captured on camera, and its pursuit of such tales knows no partisan bounds. To those who complain about liberal media bias, think back to the crazed scrum of reporters thronging then- candidate Bill Clinton when the Gennifer Flowers story first emerged — on the eve of the New Hampshire primary.

Tell me, in the 20/20 hindsight of Monica Lewinsky, would voters have been better or worse off if they had the chance to assess that “tabloid trash,” as Democrats described it, before Clinton was elected?

This gets to the fundamenta­l question of the relevance of politician­s’ personal lives. If you run for president, everything, as Gingrich said, is on the table, but should it be?

I have to admit to a certain queasiness on seeing the ABC “Nightline” interview with video of Marianne Gingrich. “It was occurring in my bedroom in our apartment in Washington,” she recalled. “And he always called me at night, he would always end it with ‘I love you.’ Well, she was there listening, in my home.” This is powerful, uncomforta­ble stuff. The man does have grandchild­ren.

It’s unfortunat­e that the story broke so close to a crucial primary. I might not have led with the topic, as CNN did, but it also could not be avoided. King simply asked Gingrich if he wanted to address that particular elephant. Gingrich’s retort was so effective he ought to be sending King a thank-you candygram.

Look, none of us got into journalism to question ex-wives or poke into the intimate details of politician­s’ failed marriages. Are news organizati­ons letting a vengeful Marianne Gingrich exploit Newt’s moment — or are they performing a public service?

Both, probably. Gingrich’s past private conduct may not matter to some voters, either because they do not consider it relevant to his future job performanc­e or because they accept that he has changed for the better.

Others may consider it disqualify­ing — or, if not disqualify­ing, disturbing. You don’t have to be an evangelica­l voter to listen to Marianne Gingrich describe how her husband asked for a divorce over the telephone to cringe about such callous selfabsorp­tion.

We have learned that character matters in politician­s, in presidents most of all. And character reveals itself in a politician’s personal life. Gingrich’s reckless lack of discipline, his grandiose sense of entitlemen­t (“He said ‘Yes, but you want me all to yourself. Callista doesn’t care what I do,’ ” Marianne Gingrich recalled her thenhusban­d saying of his affair) — these are traits that straddle the boundary between personal and political.

Which is why, as Gingrich said, everything is on the table. That his is so crowded with unappetizi­ng morsels is his doing, not the fault of those who report on them.

Contact Ruth Marcus at ruthmarcus@

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