The Commercial Appeal

Basar in the GOP primary



TUESDAY’S REPUBLICAN primary race to replace Mike Carpenter on the Shelby County Commission could be a harbinger of who will win the District 1, Position 3 seat in the Aug. 2 county general election. We say that because of the district voters’ propensity to elect Republican­s to the seat.

Former county commission­er Marilyn Loeffel faces Merck pharmaceut­ical products executive Steve Basar for the GOP nomination.

Steve Ross is running unopposed in the Democratic primary. He’ll face either Loeffel or Basar (rhymes with laser) in August. The winner of that race will serve the remainder of Carpenter’s term, which ends in 2014.

Both Loeffel and Basar have had previous ties to The Commercial Appeal’s editorial board. Loeffel is a former columnist for the Opinion page and Basar is a former citizen member of the editorial board.

This race pits a candidate with experience on the County Commission against one who is a fresh political face. Because we believe will be a moderate voice, who will ease the fractious partisan and urban/suburban divide that drives so many of the commission’s discussion­s on issues, we are endorsing him in the Republican primary.

Basar said he views elected office as a public service, not as a public entitlemen­t, and that he will push to increase economic developmen­t opportunit­ies for Memphis and Shelby County, improve public education and lower government spending.

Loeffel served two terms on the commission between 1998 and 2002 before having to step aside because of term-limit rules. She is known for her strong Christian-values stances on social and family issues. Like Basar, she said her priorities will include economic developmen­t and education.

She said she is seeking to return to the commission at the urging of friends. But term limits are there for a reason — to give fresh faces with fresh ideas a chance to serve the public. Loeffel has had her eight years.

Also on Tuesday’s ballot are Republican and Democratic primary races for district attorney general. Dist. Atty. Gen. Amy Weirich is running unopposed in the Republican primary and attorney Carol Chumney is the only candidate in the Democratic primary. The two will battle it out in August. Steve Basar gets our endorsemen­t over Marilyn Loeffel in the GOP primary race for County Commission District 1, Position 3.

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