The Commercial Appeal

Health claims get attention in BP accord

Deal includes ways to monitor effects

- By Cain Burdeau

BOOTHEVILL­E, La. — A settlement that BP is working out with victims of the massive Gulf oil spill finally provides a system for monitoring health concerns and compensati­ng people whose illnesses are found to have a link to the disaster.

Government and university doctors studying locals’ health haven’t found significan­t evidence of spill-related illnesses, but problems years from now remain a question mark. Gulf Coast residents say they’re happy their complaints are getting a serious look, even if they’ll face hurdles in proving that rashes, shortness of breath and other maladies were caused by the oil or chemical dispersant­s sprayed to break it up.

Under the settlement announced Friday, BP said it expects to pay out $7.8 billion to settle a wide range of claims that also include prop- erty damage, lost wages and loss to businesses. While a previously created fund had already been paying such economic loss claims, it hadn’t paid claims over illnesses related to exposure.

Nicole Maurer, a resident of this fishing community, said she feels optimistic about getting medical bills paid under the court-supervised process. She blames the spill for a number of her family’s health problems.

First, Maurer and others like her will have to show that they got sick from the spill. Before they can receive compensati­on, claimants will be examined by a courtappro­ved health care practition­er. Then, a claims administra­tor working under a federal judge will determine who should be paid.

The settlement also establishe­s a program to monitor claimants’ health for 21 years. People whose physical symptoms haven’t yet developed will also be able to pursue claims. BP has also promised to pay $105 million to improve health care around the Gulf region.

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