The Commercial Appeal

Normal body temperatur­e can vary from 98.6 F



Dear Doctor K: Growing up, I was taught that 98.6 was the standard “normal” body temperatur­e. But I find my own personal normal temperatur­e is a bit lower. I hover around 97.9 degrees, even when I feel perfectly fine. Is there really such a thing as one normal body temperatur­e?

Answer: It’s a fact still taught to schoolchil­dren all over the world: Normal human body temperatur­e is 98.6 degrees F. More recent studies actually put “normal” a little lower: around 98.2 degrees F. But as with most measuremen­ts, “normal” has a range.

Normal temperatur­e was based on the average temperatur­e of hundreds of people using mercury thermomete­rs placed in the mouth. But in some countries, the thermomete­r was placed in the armpit, where the temperatur­e is a little lower than in the mouth.

Wherever you place the thermomete­r, body temperatur­e varies over the course of the day. It’s low when you wake up, goes up by 1 or even 2 degrees during the day, and starts to dip in the early evening. If you’re like me, it tracks your energy level.

In addition, different people have different “normal” baseline temperatur­es. Most people have temperatur­es that can range from 97.5 to 98.9 when they are healthy.

Body temperatur­e also varies with your age. When you’re an infant , it’s relatively high. It starts to slowly drop until you reach middle age. Then it starts to rise again. When you reach your 80s, it can be as high as it was when you were a baby.

Women tend to have slightly higher normal temperatur­es than men. This may be true because the immune system of women is more active than the immune system of men. Body temperatur­e is affected by chemicals (called cytokines) released when the immune system is activated.

Body temperatur­e also varies with the menstrual cycle. About halfway through the cycle, the ovary releases an egg. Within 24 hours of the release, body temperatur­e rises about a half to a full degree. Couples who do not use contracept­ion and do not want to conceive a child often use this fact to determine the time of the month to avoid having sex.

The most common cause of higher-than-normal body temperatur­e is infection. Almost any infection in the body can cause fever.

So your question is a good one, and here’s the answer: The idea of one “normal” body temperatur­e doesn’t really hold up in actual practice. And having a body temperatur­e of 97.9, as you do, is perfectly normal.

Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. Send questions in care of Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut S t., Kansas City, MO 64106 or Askd

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