The Commercial Appeal

Give him what he wants

- Scot Gardner,

President Barack Obama has been reelected, and he says that he is still going to raise taxes. I say give him exactly what he wants.

Let him take full responsibi­lity for the impact on our economy that Obamacare, with its taxes, and an even higher income tax will have. Many economists have already said that Obamacare will inhibit the creation of new jobs; they have also said that a higher income tax will shave even more jobs from our economy. So give Obama what he wants. Make him, finally, take responsibi­lity for something.

Unfortunat­ely, this will create more pain for all Americans. Pain is a great teacher, and after this election, a deeper pain is what we need to teach us that there is no free lunch. And, hopefully, help us realize that Obama is accelerati­ng us down the path to become the next Greece.

Demographi­c trends predict the electoral college math will only get worse for Republican­s, as Texas will likely turn blue before the end of this decade.

The Republican Party can either change or become irrelevant in national politics. It can hunker down in its Southern fiefdoms, kowtow to the folks on the far right who are ruining the party (and driving away women, African-Americans, Hispanics, homosexual­s, young people, principled Republican­s and independen­ts, etc.) — or it can divorce itself from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin and actually try to consider the views of the millions of Americans who find today’s Republican Party to be anathema. What will it be, GOP? partisansh­ip. Politics is supposed to be the art of compromise and finding common ground.

Moreover, it is anything but certain that Obama’s policies, if he continues to vilify business, will help the economy to recover.

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