The Commercial Appeal

Resurgent U.S. shrugs at budget cuts

- By Paul Wiseman

WASHINGTON — As economic policy goes, experts say, the automatic spending cuts that kick in Friday are — to use a technical term — bone-headed

Fortunatel­y, the self-inflicted wound isn’t going to leave a deep scar on an economy that is otherwise looking pretty good. It’s a fiscal speed-bump on the road to economic recovery, which is why the stock market is nearing an all-time high despite Washington’s latest display of legislativ­e paralysis.

That’s a marked change from the past two years, when budget battles rattled consumer and business confidence and triggered big selloffs.

“Businesses and consumers. have begun to look away from the histrionic­s and the battles going on in Washington,” says Bernard Baumohl, chief global economist at the Economic Outlook Group. “They’re beginning to realize that organic growth in the private economy is beginning to pick up speed.”

From Wall Street to Main Street, Americans are too busy spending, hiring and investing to panic over Washington’s latest budgetary melodrama.

They’ve seen this movie before. And this time, the ending doesn’t scare them.

Even as Friday’s trigger date for the cuts drew near, Americans were pouring money into the stock market. The Dow Jones industrial average has jumped nearly 8 percent this year and is approachin­g a record high.

Consumers are also growing more confident. And last month, orders for U.S. factory goods that reflect companies’ investment plans surged by the most in more than a year. It showed that more businesses have become more upbeat about their prospects.

Only 27 percent of Americans surveyed for a Pew Research Center/USA Today poll last week said they had heard a lot about the looming spending cuts. And according to a

Washington Post poll conducted late last month, less than a third of Americans said they thought the cuts would have a big impact on their own finances.

Why less concern this time?

The stakes aren’t nearly as high as they were two months ago, when lawmakers engaged in a budget standoff over the so-called fiscal cliff. Economists had warned that the cliff’s tax increases and spending cuts would send the economy back into recession if they remained in place for much of 2013.

By contrast, no one is talking about a recession this time, no matter what Congress does or doesn’t do. The financial squeeze will be milder. And it will be delayed.

For one thing, the cuts are smaller than they seem: Actual spending will likely drop $ 44 billion in the budget year that ends Sept. 30, according to the Congressio­nal Budget Office. That’s only slightly more than 1 percent of federal spending.

What’s more, federal agencies must give workers a month’s notice before imposing furloughs, which will likely force many to take one day a week of unpaid leave indefinite­ly. So the pay and spending power of government workers and many contractor­s won’t be affected until April at the earliest.

Perhaps more important, the delay gives lawmakers time to seek a deal that might retroactiv­ely reverse the spending cuts before they could do much damage to the economy.

“If it lasts a matter of a few weeks or a few months, I don’t think it will have any measurable impact on growth,” Baumohl says.

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