The Commercial Appeal

In North Korea visit, Rodman tells leader he is ‘friend for life’

- Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea — ExNBA star Dennis Rodman hung out Thursday with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un on the third day of his improbable journey with VICE to Pyongyang, watching the Harlem Globetrott­ers with the leader and later dining on sushi and drinking with him at his palace.

“You have a friend for life,” Rodman told Kim before a crowd of thousands at a gymnasium where they sat side by side, chatting as they watched players from North Korea and the U.S. play, Alex Detrick, a spokesman for the New York-based VICE media company, told The Associated Press.

Rodman arrived in Pyongyang on Monday with three members of the Harlem Globetrott­ers basketball team, VICE correspond­ent Ryan Duffy and a production crew to shoot an episode on North Korea for a new HBO series.

Rodman is the most high-profile American to meet Kim since the young North Korean leader took power in December 2011, and takes place against a backdrop of tension between Washington and Pyongyang. North Korea conducted an undergroun­d nuclear test just two weeks ago, making clear the provocativ­e act was a warning to the United States.

Kim, a basketball fan, told the former Chicago Bulls star he hoped the visit would break the ice between the United States and North Korea, VICE founder Shane Smith said.

Dressed in a blue Mao suit, Kim laughed and slapped his hands on the table before him during the game as he sat nearly knee to knee with Rodman. Rodman, the man who once turned up in a wedding dress to promote his autobiogra­phy, wore a dark suit and dark sunglasses.

In Washington, the State Department refused comment on Rodman’s visit.

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