The Commercial Appeal

N.Y. authoritie­s: Self-help couple commit suicide

- By Tom Hays Associated Press

NEW YORK — On a radio show they hosted called “The Pursuit of Happiness,” John Littig and Lynne Rosen urged listeners to embrace spontaneit­y

So much about life is about impulse,” Littig said this year on an FM station in New York, WBAI. “It’s about doing it right now.”

A shocking decision the couple made together appeared more methodical: Police say they killed themselves side by side as part of a suicide pact.

Autopsies found that both Littig, 47, and Rosen, 45, died from asphyxiati­on after inhaling helium, a spokeswoma­n for medical examiner’s office said Thursday.

The bodies were discovered Wednesday on a couch in the couple’s brownstone in Brooklyn, with “exit bags” over their heads. The suicide method — using plastic bags with draw strings and a hose attached to a helium canister — is becoming more common because it provides “a fast, peaceful, undetectab­le death” according to a recent fire department memo prepared for paramedics.

In separate suicide notes, Lettig indicated that they were determined to die together, while Rosen apologized to her family, police said. But beyond that, why two people who made a living giving advice on more fulfilling lives decided to cut short their own wasn’t clear.

There was no immediate response to a message left Thursday at WBAI. “RIP Lynne Rosen + John Littig. Partners on the air and in life,” the station wrote in a tweet.

The victims were partners in a self-help venture called “Why Not Now,” according to their website. The site describes Littig as a motivation­al speaker, workshop facilitato­r and personal life coach, and Rosen as a life coach, speaker and consultant.

Rosen also was the host of “The Pursuit of Happiness,” a once-a-month, hour-long show on WBAI. She was often joined in the Manhattan studio by Littig.

The pair’s breezy banter about life’s lessons is on display in YouTube postings of the broadcasts.

While pondering Albert Einstein’s observatio­n, “Imaginatio­n is more important than knowledge,” Littig espouses the virtues of acting on impulse. “Intuition, impulse are extraordin­arily important things in life,” he says. “You will not be well-served if the impulse is shut down or you think about everything too much. Sometimes you just do it.”

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City Beach, Fla. The storm brought heavy rain to Florida and Georgia was bracing for downpours and possible flooding. Andrea produced
tornadoes which caused some damage
in Florida.
Surfers enjoyed the waves pro duced by Andrea at Panama City Beach, Fla. The storm brought heavy rain to Florida and Georgia was bracing for downpours and possible flooding. Andrea produced tornadoes which caused some damage in Florida. ASSOCIATED...

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