The Commercial Appeal

Americans care about IRS mess

- JOHN DICKERSON John Dickerson is chief political correspond­ent for Slate. Contact him at slatepolit­

WASHINGTON — Ever since the Obama administra­tion ran aground on a series of scandals, Republican­s have been trying hard to go from zero to Watergate. No matter how hard they stomp on the accelerato­r, the car won’t go. On the left, there is a similar desire to go from zero to McCarthy. The main target: Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, who has been investigat­ing the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and the Internal Revenue Service targeting conservati­ve groups.

Democrats are trying to promote the idea that Republican­s are overplayin­g their hand with these controvers­ies. Several times, analysts have raised the specter of the 1990s House Republican­s who took their party over the cliff with mad passion in the investigat­ions of Bill Clinton.

Republican­s have not overplayed their hand. Unlike the late 1990s, they have the country with them in their pursuit of answers. Americans want to get to the bottom of the IRS mess. New revelation­s, like last week’s disclosure­s about IRS profligacy, are offering fresh reasons for outrage, and the disciplini­ng of two IRS officials for receiving gifts against ethics rules ratifies the investigat­ions. New polls show that the country thinks the president is less trustworth­y, so the chances the public will rush to his defense against the meanies going after him is shrinking.

First, a little history: In 1998, Dan Burton, Issa’s Republican predecesso­r as chairman of the Oversight Committee, said, “If I could prove 10 percent of what I believe happened (about President Clinton), he’d be gone. This guy’s a scumbag. That’s why I’m after him.” That’s a lot worse than calling White House spokesman Jay Carney a “paid liar,” as Issa did last week. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., once called President George W. Bush a liar. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., yelled, “You lie!” during President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address. Issa has some distance to go before he reaches the current standard for bruising words.

The notion of overreach is based on the idea that Republican­s will get so nutty that they will turn off voters in the 2014 election. Since that will be a nonpreside­ntial year, the chance for overreach is already diminished. The electorate is likely to be filled with far more politicall­y active voters. Die-hards have a greater tolerance for partisan circus acts. Still, you can go too far. There are two dangers: You either inspire the other side’s partisans to mobilize, or you present yourself as such a menace to the citizenry that you scare voters who might sit out the election, and they go to the polls to vote you out.

The IRS scandal isn’t likely to encourage either of these outcomes. The public seems to think the matter is worth pursuing. Fifty-eight percent surveyed in a recent Bloomberg poll say Congress is spending the right amount of time on the investigat­ion or should spend more. Forty-three percent of those surveyed in a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll said IRS scrutiny of conservati­ve groups was part of a widespread effort by those in government, compared with 29 percent who saw it as a case of a few officials acting on their own. Even 63 percent of Democrats want an independen­t prosecutor to investigat­e the IRS abuses.

When it comes to other scandals, the public seems to think there’s enough smoke there, too. In a new NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll respondent­s were asked separately about Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the Justice Department’s monitoring of journalist­s, and in each case at least 55 percent said the incident raised doubts about “the overall honesty and integrity of the Obama administra­tion.” In January, self-described independen­ts gave Obama high marks for being “honest and straightfo­rward.” Now only 27 percent do.

In a nonpreside­ntial election year where base motivation is even more important, the IRS investigat­ions offer perhaps the greatest opportunit­y for Republican­s to score free points in the history of politics. Grass-roots tea party activists are invited to Washington to tell their stories of harassment and discrimina­tion, and even Democrats have to tell them how wronged they were. Republican­s can baste their supporters in love and vindicatio­n. Tea party members have had their specific fears about government targeting ratified, and last week they got more validation for their broader view about government bloat. An IRS inspector general’s report cataloged roughly $50 million spent on agency conference­s, with loose attention to cost in some cases. High-profile items in the report included $17,000 to hire an artist to paint portraits of Michael Jordan and Bono and $50,000 to produce videos that included a “Star Trek” parody.

The long-term danger for chairman Issa may not be overreach but ineffectiv­eness. When you overhype evidence, people will notice if you don’t have the goods, and ultimately you lose credibilit­y. But we are a long way from that. Right now, the public wants Republican­s to make their case.

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