The Commercial Appeal

High court set to decide gay marriage

Affirmativ­e action also on justices’ docket

- By Samantha Bryson s.bryson@commercial­ 901-529-2339

If the U.S. Supreme Court decides to strike down the law restrictin­g federal marriage benefits for same sex couples this week, Lorna Oglesby won’t have to figure out how to adopt her wife, Felicia, as a legal dependent to make sure she inherits their assets someday.

The couple, who traveled from Memphis to Massachuse­tts to be legally married in 2009, has already spent a significan­t amount of money on legal fees to try to find ways around the Defense of Marriage Act, the 1996 law establishi­ng that neither the federal government nor individual states have an obligation to recognize same-sex marriages.

In what will likely be its last week in session, the court is expected to rule as early as Monday on the constituti­onality of DOMA; California’s Propositio­n 8, which establishe­s state recognitio­n for only male-female marriages; as well as affirmativ­e action.

If the court does overturn DOMA, it will be a landmark victory for propo-

nents of so- called marriage equality — particular­ly for those who live in states like Tennessee, which is not one of the 12 where same-sex marriage is legal.

“The most important thing that might happen is the recognitio­n that we’re married,” Felicia said. “It wouldn’t be like ‘gay married,’ it would just be ‘married.’ ”

This is the first time that America’s highest court has examined the issue of same-sex marriage since the mid-1990s, a time when public opinion on the issue looked vastly different.

Just over half of Americans say they support the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry, according to a Pew Forum survey. The study also found that 72 percent of Americans believe legal recognitio­n of same-sex marriage is inevitable whether they support it or not.

“It shouldn’t have to be the linchpin that gives us credibilit­y, but it really is,” said Robert Blaudow, who married his husband in California in 2008 just before Prop 8 prohibited such unions in the state. “I don’t think anything is more powerful to gay individual­s in the United States of America right now than this.”

But despite the anticipati­on or dread some may feel at the impending decision, Rhodes College political science professor Marcus Pohlmann said the court has several options for how it rules, or chooses not to rule, on DOMA and Prop 8.

“They could decide to just leave it up to the states, which is kind of what it is now,” Pohlmann said.

Or, he added, justices could go as far as to rule that the guarantee of equal protection under the law afforded by the U. S. Constituti­on includes the right of same-sex couples to marry.

A more moderate and more likely version of a verdict that strikes down DOMA would, he said, require federal recognitio­n of same-sex marriages, but would not compel individual states to allow or recognize them. The court could also uphold DOMA or toss the case out.

But one thing about the few remaining items on the Supreme Court’s docket is for certain, Pohlmann said. “They obviously put the hottest (issues) off to the very end.”

The other “hot” issue is affirmativ­e action, a practice of granting extra considerat­ion in higher education admissions to underrepre­sented racial minorities. While the overall goal of affirmativ­e action was to help correct institutio­nalized imbalance and promote diversity, many now criticize the practice as outdated or unfair.

“The question here is whether we have moved far enough beyond Jim Crow and slavery that it’s not as necessary,” Pohlmann said. “

Although the 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law, Pohlmann said it was considered more flexible when it came to “fixing past wrongs as a legitimate exception to absolute equality.”

“But over time the Supreme Court seems to be reading the 14th Amendment more literally ... by saying it’s as much discrimina­tion whether it’s used to keep them from getting something or to help them get it.”

The court could go as far as to determine that any considerat­ion of race is discrimina­tory, even if that considerat­ion is favorable, or it could reaffirm the use of affirmativ­e action as it now stands. It could also simply restrict affirmativ­e action even further.

Pohlmann’s guess, though, is that regardless of the high court’s ruling on the issue next week, the cultural tide will shift away from race and more toward acknowledg­ing socioecono­mic status as a primary factor in access to higher education — a factor, he said, which naturally accounts for the existing racial disparitie­s among poor people in many American cities.

“A kid who goes to a bad public school probably doesn’t have many advantages no matter what color they are,” he said.

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