The Commercial Appeal

Privacy in the 21st century


A story Thursday on NPR’s “Morning Edition” focused on Elk Grove, Calif., a Sacramento suburb, expanding the use of video surveillan­ce cameras as a public safety tool.

The same morning, many American newspapers carried front-page stories about FBI Director Robert Mueller’s acknowledg­ment that the bureau has used unmanned aerial drones for surveillan­ce in the United States, although on a very limited basis.

Mueller’s revelation, along with news that the National Security Agency has been collecting telephone and Internet data as weapons to thwart terrorist attacks has a lot of Americans talking about whether the federal government and local government­s like Elk Grove are oversteppi­ng citizens’ right to privacy.

But in our 21st century world of sophistica­ted technology, is privacy a relative term these days? From our Internet searches being tracked by companies wanting to sell us something; to the GPS tracker on your cellphone; to retail, law enforcemen­t and traffic cameras; to license-plate readers atop police cruisers, our “privacy” is being impinged upon daily.

Much of this surveillan­ce is being done for laudable reasons and there is not much we can do about it. Still, we wonder what citizens would say if they were first asked whether they wanted some of these surveillan­ce tools put in place.

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