The Commercial Appeal

Save date for tamale fest, dive into ‘Pen’


Last week author Julia Reed swept through town for a quick book signing, but it was preceded by a long lunch. Over the course of a few hours we ate our way through a good bit of the menu at Hog & Hominy (which changes this week). The pork belly sandwich, dressed with arugula, fennel and salsa verde, is one of the best things I’ve eaten in a long time. Delicious. Soon I’ll have more news for you about the Delta Hot Tamale Festival coming up Oct. 17-19 in Greenville, Miss. Reed is an organizer, and there’s more to this than just the big Saturday celebratio­n. You can take a look at hottamalef­ to find out more about it, but details are still being worked out. Check back here next week; meanwhile, reserve the date.

There’s a bit of news from Hog & Hominy, too. The back patio will open this weekend as The Holding Pen, a “dive” bar serving oysters, a signature burger and PBR. It’s at 707 W. Brookhaven Circle; call 901-207-7396 for more informatio­n.


I’m on vacation this week, but will come back to a full roster of assignment­s. So, keep sending me your suggestion­s for the best foods to eat in Memphis. I’m taking this one for the team and am getting around to your suggestion­s.

Also, send me an email and let me know about your favorite odd food pairings. I’ve recently discovered that pimiento cheese topped with strawberry jam is delightful, but some of my co-workers don’t share my sentiments. We did a roundup like this about 10 years ago, and I remember two things. First, people mix all kinds of things with peanut butter, and second, an old boss shared with us the strangest combinatio­n: Chocolate cake and milk gravy. Top that! One more thing I’d like you to tell me: Who has the best hot dog in town?

I’ll be back in the office July 8, and the Southern Tastes panel returns July 10. Enjoy your holiday!


You’ve probably got your menu for the Fourth of July planned, or you’re going to take Alyce Mantia Price’s suggestion­s for an affordable and delicious cookout. So for the recipe of the week, I’ll share a cocktail I came up with recently. In her book “But Mama Always Put Vodka in her Sangria,” Julia Reed has a recipe for a Pimm’s Royale. I didn’t have the book at home and wanted to take the cocktail to brunch, so I winged it. It was completely different from hers, but it was delicious. I told her about it and she said, “You’ve got to

publish that.” So here it is, along with the real recipe from her book.

In my recipe, I mention citrus syrup. I always have leftover citrus — half a lime here, part of an orange, unused lemons cut for tea. I put them in a quart jar and add a spoon or two of sugar to the top, seal it and put it in the refrigerat­or. A syrup forms in a day or two, and I just keep adding fruit and sugar to it, using the syrup here and there. I’ve had my present jar going for about three weeks, and plan to start over after I use it this week.

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