The Commercial Appeal




Serves 4 1 medium poblano pepper 1 medium sweet onion (such as Vidalia), halved, skin left on 2 portobello mushroom

caps, stems removed 1 medium green bell pepper, halved, seeds removed 1 tablespoon ancho chili powder (or chili seasoning blend) 2 tablespoon­s olive oil — Sea salt flakes and cracked black pepper, to taste 4 10-inch whole wheat tor

tillas 3 cups shredded Oaxaca

cheese (or mozzarella) -- Hot sauce ½ cup sour cream 2 limes, washed and quar



Light the grill and leave it on high to preheat. Place the poblano pepper on the grill. Once one side is burned black, turn it and burn the other side. Once the poblano pepper is completely charred, place it in a paper bag to cool. In a large bowl, toss the other vegetables, ancho chili powder, and a few tablespoon­s of olive oil together until the vegetables are coated. Place the mushrooms gill-side-down on the grill. Place onions and peppers skin-side-down on the grill. The green peppers will be done first because they’re thin. Remove them from the grill once you get some nice grill marks on them. This should take about 4- 6 minutes. Turn the mushroom over after 4 minutes. Allow the onion’s skin to burn black. ( You will peel it later.) Move the mushroom to indirect heat. Allow the mushroom to cook until tender, which should take about 10-15 minutes.






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