The Commercial Appeal

Swim with sharks

Experience unforgetta­ble in warm So. Calif. waters

- By John Marshall Associated Press

LA JOLLA, Calif. — Just beyond the breakers at La Jolla Shores Beach, hundreds of dark figures cruise through the sandy shallows like a scene in a horror movie. In most cases, the sight of one shark, much less hundreds, would spark panic.

The leopard sharks of La Jolla induce a different response.

Instead of racing toward shore, visitors here head out toward the deeper water to get a closer look.

And for those who get the chance to swim with the sharks, the experience is unforgetta­ble.

“I’ve been doing it for years, and I still go out and swim with them,” said Ezekiel Morphis of HBK Sports, which offers kayaking and snorkeling tours with the sharks. “I think it’s awesome.”

The leopard sharks come close to shore from June to early December, peaking between August and September, when hundreds congregate along a small stretch of this beach north of San Diego.

The sharks are mostly pregnant females, and juveniles are rarely seen, so scientists believe they gather here to help with the gestation process.

Because of a submarine canyon just offshore, the waves at La Jolla Shores tend to be smaller, which keeps the colder water of the deep from mixing with the warmer water of the shallows. The small waves and warm water make it a perfect place for the coldbloode­d leopard sharks to hang out before giving birth someplace else.

“What these females are essentiall­y doing is incubating,” said Andrew Nosal, a postdoctor­al researcher at the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla. “They’ve developing embryos like a mother bird would sit on the eggs to keep them to warm.”

That’s all interestin­g, but we know what you’re thinking: Isn’t it dangerous to swim with sharks in the open ocean? No, at least not with these sharks. Leopard sharks, unlike larger, fear-inducing species like the great white, are non-aggressive and actually a bit timid, darting away whenever there’s a commotion in the water.

Leopard sharks also have small mouths and teeth — they feed on crustacean­s, shrimp

and bony fish — so even if they did bite, it wouldn’t cause nearly as much damage as some of the larger fish swimming around.

It’s still the ocean, though, so there’s always the chance larger sharks might come in to feed, but attacks on leopard sharks near La Jolla are almost unheard of.

“There’s always a small risk of danger when you swim with animals,” Nosal said. “But leopard sharks are generally non-aggressive. They’re actually quit skittish and can be quite difficult for snorkelers to approach. The best way to swim with these animals is to float because kicking or any kind of noise tends to scare them away.”

Despite knowing the sharks are docile, it still can be a bit unsettling on the first encounter, even for the adventurou­sly inclined.

On days with calm winds and waves, the water is exceptiona­lly clear, making it easy to see the distinctiv­e dark stripes and spots on the backs of the sharks as they swim around people’s legs or underneath those who are floating on the surface or in kayaks.

When the water gets rougher, the sand and seaweed stir and swirl around, sometimes dropping the visibility to a few feet. The cloudy water creates an eerie underwater scene, the shadowy figures of the leopard sharks that reach up to 5 feet long seeming to appear out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly.

Clear water or not, the reaction for first-timers hits a wide spectrum.

“We get everything from not much reaction to absolute terror to absolute elation,” Morphis said. “I think people have a lot of interestin­g views on sharks whether they’ve been educated that they’re fairly harmless or not.”

Whatever fear people might have usually doesn’t last long.

After a few minutes of watching sharks swim around their legs or below them, the fear is usually taken over by amazement, almost a feeling of oneness with nature as these majestic animals cruise around in the open ocean.

“I like to think of leopard sharks as a friendly ambassador for sharks in general,” Nosal said. “It’s a really great way for people to overcome their fear of sharks, to see that not all species are potentiall­y dangerous, that this one really is harmless, yet they really do look like sharks. These are not rinky-dink animals. They look like sharks, they’re rather large, and to see so many at one site is really impressive. I’ve been out there and been surrounded by easily 50 of these animals at once, and it’s very impressive.”

 ?? ANDREW NOSAL/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Dozens of leopard sharks swim close to the shore at La Jolla Shores Beach in La Jolla, Calif. Andrew Nosal, a postdoctor­al researcher at the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla, says he shot this image by mounting his camera beneath a large helium balloon...
ANDREW NOSAL/ASSOCIATED PRESS Dozens of leopard sharks swim close to the shore at La Jolla Shores Beach in La Jolla, Calif. Andrew Nosal, a postdoctor­al researcher at the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla, says he shot this image by mounting his camera beneath a large helium balloon...
 ?? OLD NAVY/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Summer clothes, such as this navy blue tank top from Old Navy, may be headed to the store sales racks. Many stores are recognizin­g that shoppers like to purchase their summer clothing when the weather is warm enough for them to wear it. That translates...
OLD NAVY/ASSOCIATED PRESS Summer clothes, such as this navy blue tank top from Old Navy, may be headed to the store sales racks. Many stores are recognizin­g that shoppers like to purchase their summer clothing when the weather is warm enough for them to wear it. That translates...

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