The Commercial Appeal

Tea party defies political reality


Sears has made a decision to close its Hickory Ridge Mall store on Dec. 15. It is not clear if the struggling 127-year-old retailer is closing its Hickory Hill location as part of a national reduction of its stores. Whatever the reason, losing a major retailer in a corridor that has lost much of its major retail is a severe blow to efforts to revitalize the area.

The story of Hickory Hill’s residentia­l and retail decline has been well documented. White flight ensued when the area officially became part of Memphis on Dec. 31, 1998. The eastward extension of Bill Morris Parkway drew major retailers in the mall and along the Winchester Corridor between Hickory Hill and Germantown Road farther east.

The mortgage crisis that sent the nation into the Great Recession of 2008 hit Hickory Hill particular­ly hard with foreclosur­es, leaving many of the area’s neighborho­ods burdened with abandoned, deteriorat­ing homes. On top of that, a tornado heavily damaged the mall, including the Sears store, in February 2008.

Sears, part of the mall since it opened in August 1981, repaired its store. World Overcomers Outreach Ministries purchased and renovated the mall to maintain it as a community anchor. Although the mall has a dearth of retail, it has been well maintained. And that is credit to World Overcomers and the mall’s management company.

The Sears closing, frankly, will be a severe hit to the mall’s future and to Hickory Hill. It would be wonderful if its owner and city and county elected and economic developmen­t officials could find a way to prevent Hickory Ridge from becoming yet another abandoned retail eyesore in Hickory Hill. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it. Psalm 90:17

WASHINGTON — If you can judge people by the quality of their enemies, one quality shared by many opponents of the tea party is their conservati­sm. Like many ideologica­l factions, tea party activists display a special intensity in fighting the “near enemy” — other elements on the right that don’t share their tactics. President Barack Obama may be their ultimate foe, but conservati­ve pragmatist­s are their rivals. And rivals are the more immediate problem.

So the Senate Conservati­ves Fund runs ads against Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Richard Burr, R-N.C., and other solid Senate conservati­ves for opposing a counterpro­ductive strategy to defund Obamacare. The circle of tea party purity is drawn so tightly that it excludes some of the most reliably conservati­ve members of Congress.

Ideologica­l conflict between Republican factions is, of course, nothing new. The modern conservati­ve movement arose in opposition to Eisenhower Republican­ism, which it regarded as ideologica­lly compromise­d.

Ronald Reagan challenged and defeated Rockefelle­r Republican­ism — and seldom has a political defeat been more complete. But Reagan still viewed the Republican Party as a coalition, not as a faction. He campaigned vigorously for Republican moderates.


During the Obama era, Republican ideologica­l conflicts have intensifie­d. The latest round began with a typical, largely healthy revolt against leaders such as House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who were viewed as tired and uncreative (though easier to criticize than replace). The young guns — including Reps. Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor — would finally take on Medicare reform and push big questions about the role of government in American life. This involved political risk but had the virtue of intellectu­al seriousnes­s.

Tea party populism, however, moved quickly beyond this point. We are no longer seeing a revolt against the Republican leadership, or even against the Republican “establishm­ent”; it is a revolt against anyone who accepts the constraint­s of political reality. Conservati­ves are excommunic­ated, not for holding the wrong conviction­s but for rational calculatio­ns in service of those conviction­s.

What explains this de- velopment? Some of this is a reaction to the unique provocatio­n of Obamacare. Tea party activists assert that the launch of health insurance subsidies and exchanges will cause immediate and pervasive entitlemen­t addiction — creating a permanent new class of Democratic­voting clients of the state. It seems more likely that Americans will see the flaws of a hastily and poorly designed system and express their displeasur­e in midterm elections. But the notion that the character of the country is about to suddenly change helps explain the state of emergency in tea party circles.

This is reinforced by the developmen­t of an alternativ­e establishm­ent — including talk radio personalit­ies, a few vocal congressio­nal leaders and organizati­ons such as FreedomWor­ks and Heritage Action — that creates a self-reinforcin­g impression of its power to reshape politics (while lacking much real connection to the views of the broader electorate).

And these ideas do have some resonance among conservati­ve activists who are convinced that Republican­s lost recent presidenti­al elections because their candidates lacked combativen­ess. At least, the argument goes, Ted Cruz has some backbone. It is the political expression of pent-up anger. “If we’re going to fight,” says Michele Bachmann, “we need to fight now.” Few believe any longer that Republican­s will be able to defund Obamacare in this session of Congress; it is the fight — not winning — that counts.

Under normal circumstan­ces, this faction — comprising less than 20 percent of the House Republican Caucus — might exercise a marginal influence. But we have the peculiar situation of a divided Congress and a weak president. The tea party faction holds the margin of victory in a slim Republican House majority. Boehner has kept some semblance of order by appeasing it — an approach of diminishin­g utility. And now, in a series of budget showdowns, the interests of tea party activists have suddenly aligned with those of Obama. Both sides prefer a powerless, discredite­d Republican leadership.

The problem for Republican­s (as Democrats found in the 1970s and ’80s) is that factions are seldom deterred by defeat. Every loss is taken as proof of insufficie­nt purity. Conservati­ves now face the ideologica­l temptation: inviting an unpleasant political reality by refusing to inhabit political reality. Contact columnist Michael Gerson of the Washington Post Writers Group at michaelger­

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