The Commercial Appeal

25 years ago: 1989


Rush Engineerin­g Co. employees carried out an important part of their repair of the Mid-America Mall April 20, 1977, in replacing tiles on the walkway between Madison and Monroe. Rush, the firm that built the mall, is under a contract to finish all constructi­on and repairs within 15 weeks at an additional cost of $98,000. This work includes stopping the leak in the fountain in Civic Center Plaza. If Rush doesn’t complete the work by June 23, it must pay $250 for each day work is incomplete. The new cost pushes the mall’s price to $ 6.8 million.

A press conference has been scheduled for today to announce that the Bolshoi Ballet will perform in Memphis next month. About 30 dancers, including the famous ballerina Natalia Bessmertno­va, are likely to be in the performanc­e, which will be at 8 p.m., May 30 at the Orpheum. It will be the second Memphis stop in 13 months by the Soviet Union’s oldest and largest ballet. dals who were “dying” all over the gallery’s garden. He might also have looked with suspicion on nearly 100 persons who gathered around to applaud acts of “murder,” “suicide,” and worse while a musician hid behind a bush and played weird music on a woodwind. No policeman came by and the Southweste­rn student production of Antigone, a hair-raising Greek tragedy, went on without interrupti­on, except for the slapping of mosquitoes in the outdoor playhouse. Prevailing pay rate is 75 cents a day with lodging. The WPA workers received $40.80 a month.

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