The Commercial Appeal

Fagioli Allo Romano


serves 6 to 8


1 pound crowder or other field peas

1½ tablespoon­s salt

1 tablespoon fresh sage or basil, slivered

5 ounce package baby arugula

12 cherry tomatoes, quartered, or grape tomatoes, halved

2 tablespoon­s sage or basil, slivered

4 ounce block of pecorino romano or asiage cheese Dressing:

6 tablespoon­s extra-virgin olive oil

— Finely grated zest and juice of one large lemon

— salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

1 small shallot, finely minced (2 to 3 tablespoon­s)

2 tablespoon­s heavy cream


1 pick over the peas and discard any bits of pod or dark ones. place in a medium saucepan and just cover with cool water. Add salt and bring to a boil. lower heat and simmer until just tender. the timing will depend on the variety of peas used.

2 When done, drain well and put into a bowl. Add your herb of choice and set aside for at least 30 minutes.

3 Make the dressing: put the olive oil, lemon juice and zest, shallot and salt and pepper in a jar and shake to blend well.

4 When ready to serve, put the salad greens on a serving platter. top with the beans and surround with the tomatoes.

5 shake the dressing well, add the cream and shake again. pour over the beans.

6 With a vegetable peeler, shave the cheese over the top. serve immediatel­y.

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