The Commercial Appeal

GOP weighs budget impasse

Aiming spending push-back at Obama

- By Robert Costa Washington Post

WASHINGTON— Congressio­nal Republican­s said Friday they might create a series of showdowns over funding the government to try to force President Barack Obama to back down on his expected plans to overhaul the nation’s immigratio­n system.

Instead of passing a spending bill in coming days that would fund the government through the end of the fiscal year, Republican­s are now mulling a shortterm measure that expires early next year, according to more than a dozen top lawmakers and their aides who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

When Congress reconvenes in the new year, Republican­s would then pass other short-term bills,

each designed to create a forum to push back against the president and, possibly, to gain concession­s. Republican­s are also planning to file a lawsuit against the president over his use of executive authority, according to the lawmakers and aides.

The efforts are seen by Republican­s as ways to pressure the president to relent and pull back his expected executive orders to change immigratio­n policy, which are likely to include protecting millions from being deported.

Asked whether the threat of budget conflicts would have any effect on the president’s thinking, the White House referred to comments Obama made on immigratio­n Friday in Burma, where he said Congress has had ample time to act on immigratio­n reform.

Obama said he stands by his statement that if Congress fails to act, “I would use all the lawful authority that I possess to try to make the system work better. And that’s going to happen. That’s going to happen before the end of the year.”

Republican leaders also see a short-term measure as a way to placate conservati­ves within their ranks, who have urged an aggressive response against what they see as an unconstitu­tional overreach by the president.

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, who has been a longtime critic of the leadership, urged them to pursue the short-term spending bills for as long as possible until Obama changes course.

“We cannot allow this to be implemente­d,” King said. “I would like to do the minimum necessary and follow the Constituti­on. I would not take a shutdown off the table.”

King said House conservati­ves spent Friday “gathering together and having little meetings.” He expressed optimism that, much as he did over the summer when he worked with House leaders to rewrite the GOP bill on border policy at the 11th hour, he could again nudge them in his direction.

King also told reporters that his staff is in contact with advisers to Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., the incoming chairman of the budget committee, in order to present a united front to leaders in both chambers. Sessions has been leading the Senate bloc that has advocated using the budget and other procedural means to dissent.

A succession of short-term spending bills would be a reversal from what House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have said they planned to do.

Over the course of meetings in recent days — including a Thursday lunch over cold cuts in Boehner’s U.S. Capitol suite — House leaders have been unenthusia­stic about the idea of a short-term spending plan and have not given up on a budget that runs through the end of the fiscal year in September.

But if Obama takes action on immigratio­n and the politics surroundin­g immigratio­n erupts, House leaders and their associates have begun to conclude that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to rally their caucus behind a long-term bill given that conservati­ves see the budget process as their best leverage over the president.

Determined not to shut down the government again, Republican leaders think short-term measures could be the best way to address both the ire within their caucus and their desire to show the American people they can govern.

 ?? JACQUELYN MARTIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Protesters rallied for comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform outside the White House in Washington earlier this month. President Barack Obama is poised to act soon to overhaul the nation’s immigratio­n system and unveil a series of executive actions that...
JACQUELYN MARTIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS Protesters rallied for comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform outside the White House in Washington earlier this month. President Barack Obama is poised to act soon to overhaul the nation’s immigratio­n system and unveil a series of executive actions that...

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