The Commercial Appeal

Lawmakers again seek role in choice of standardiz­ed tests

- By Jeff Amy

JACKSON — Lawmakers are seeking to revive efforts to force the state Board of Education to consider using standardiz­ed tests written by the ACT organizati­on.

The move comes as state Supt. Carey Wright defends t he process by which the State Department of Education sought proposals for a contract to administer tests in grades three through eight and high school. ACT sent a letter saying it wouldn’t bid because it found Mississipp­i’s requiremen­ts too restrictiv­e.

Rep. Mark Baker, RB r a ndon , an n o u nc e d March 18 that he wanted to introduce a late-session bill to ban Mississipp­i from using tests that were de- veloped by Pearson PLC for t he Partnershi­p for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, a multistate group to which Mississipp­i once belonged.

Pearson was hired by New Mexico to develop tests for the PARCC consortium, and Mississipp­i officials sought to adopt the PARCC tests for multiple years last fall. But a Mississipp­i contract review board said it would reject the contract because off icials didn’t consider other vendors.

Mississipp­i then signed a one-year, no-bid $ 8.4 million emergency contract with Pearson, adopting the tests for this spring only.

The Mississipp­i Associatio­n of School Superinten­dents and others pushed t he selection of Iowa-based ACT, which makes other tests in addition to the college test of the same name.

To introduce a new bill late in the current session, Baker will need a twothirds vote of the House. But in January, the House voted 116-3 to mandate the use of ACT and ban Pearson’s PARCC test. Baker’s new bill would still ban Pearson’s test and would mandate t hat t he state Board of Education consider ACT, even though ACT declined to bid.

Wright said March 19 that there are several bidders, but would give neither a number nor their names. A spokesman for Pearson conf i rmed t he company had bid. Both Pearson and ACT have hired lobbyists to advocate with lawmakers.

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