The Commercial Appeal

Donations leave Hillary in a cloud


In thinking about donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign government­s and interests, an adage attributed to Benjamin Franklin and a Yiddish word come to mind.

From Franklin — actually Franklin’s alter ego, Poor Richard — comes the saying, “He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas.” In foreign policy, as in fundraisin­g, lying down with dogs goes with the territory. Combine the two, and fleas become an occupation­al hazard.

Foreign interests, like their U.S. counterpar­ts, may give to the Clinton Global Initiative out of the goodness of their hearts and their commitment to the foundation’s many important works. They may also give motivated by the perception, realitybas­ed or not, that the way to Hillary Clinton’s attention is through her family’s foundation.

Indeed, this was the very reason the Obama administra­tion and the Senate, weighing her nomination to be secretary of state in 2009, appropriat­ely insisted that donations to the foundation be publicly reported, and that — while existing foreign government­s could keep giving at the same levels — new government donors or dramatical­ly stepped-up donations would require approval from State.

But this was always an imperfect solution to a conundrum: how to allow the foundation to continue its unquestion­ably good programs without creating conflicts of interest for Hillary or the appearance thereof.

The split-the-difference deal, effectivel­y limiting foreign government gifts but keeping the spigot open for private foreign (and domestic) interests, was all but guaranteed to produce today’s spate of news reports once she launched her presidenti­al bid.

This inherent problem was exacerbate­d by another one, exasperati­ngly familiar to longtime Clinton-watchers: The agreement was imperfectl­y implemente­d while Clinton was at State and was quickly discarded once she left. Now Clinton is reaping the consequenc­es of this toxic combinatio­n of sloppiness and greed.

Granted, there is an ideologica­l animus and an intellectu­al smarminess to some of the criticism. Lacking a clear-cut quid pro quo, Peter Schweizer, conservati­ve author of the forthcomin­g “Clinton Cash,” resorts to citing “a pattern of financial transactio­ns involving the Clintons that occurred contempora­neous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds.” Also, there was an increase in sunspots.

But no one, least of all Hillary, should be surprised by this unconvinci­ng effort to smudge the difference between correlatio­n and causation. For heaven’s sake, why not insulate yourself from the criticism sure to come?

As to the sloppiness, one problem, reported by The Washington Post, involves a $500,000 gift from the government of Algeria that violated the agreement because the gift, from a new donor, was not submitted for review.

More odiferous: The check, for the undeniably worthy cause of earthquake relief in Haiti, came at a time when the Algerian government had dramatical­ly ramped up its lobbying at State, where it was under pressure for human rights violations.

Did Clinton go soft on Algeria because it sent this check to her husband’s foundation? Did the foundation intentiona­lly try to slip the check past the folks at State? I doubt it. Did Algeria give simply because its government was moved by the plight of the Haitian people? Pardon my cynicism.

Which brings us to greed, and the Yiddish word chazer. It means “pig,” but has a specific connotatio­n of piggishnes­s and gluttony. This is a chronic affliction of the Clintons, whether it comes to campaign fundraisin­g (remember the Lincoln Bedroom?), compulsive speechifyi­ng (another six-figure check to speak at a public university?) or assiduous vacuuming up of foundation donations from donors of questionab­le character or motives.

Thus, as Hillary left the State Department — when she was clearly contemplat­ing running for president — the newly renamed Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation could have done the prudent thing and kept the existing restrictio­ns in place. Instead, the foundation quietly freed itself from the limitation­s, creating ethics questions that could have been avoided. Ruth Marcus’ e-mail address is

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