The Commercial Appeal

Daily Bridge Club

- By Frank Stewart

If you think you can’t be put in jail for something you didn’t do, try not paying your taxes. Many players must believe that not drawing trumps is a punishable offense.

Today’s West led a club against four spades: queen, king, ace. South then took dummy’s A-K of trumps, perhaps fearing that the cops might show up if he didn’t.

When East threw a club, South took the A-K of diamonds and ruffed a diamond. West declined to overruled, and when South next led the queen of hearts, West won and took his high trump. South eventually went down two.


South can succeed, but not by trying to draw trumps early. He takes one high trump at Trick Two, then leads the A-K and a third diamond. When East follows, South discards his club loser.

South ru�s the club return and leads a heart. The defense can force dummy to ru� a heart, but South can then cash the other high trump and ru� a diamond. He gets back to dummy with a heart ru� to pitch his last heart on the good diamond.

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