The Commercial Appeal

Obama notes human rights abuses in Vietnam, politely

- By Nancy Benac

HOCHIMINH CITY, Vietnam— When President Barack Obama met with human rights advocates and other activists Tuesday, he spoke of the “remarkable strides” Vietnam was making on a range of issues.

Nguyen Quang A missed the meeting: That morning, the 70-yearold activist said, security men forced him into a car and drove him into the countrysid­e, where they held him until Obama left town.

The episode in Hanoi was a measure of both the progress and the unfinished business as the U.S. and Vietnam move from onetime enemies to full partners with stronger economic and security ties.

For all the lusty cheers and warm welcomes that Obama has gotten during his time in Vietnam, the transforma­tion clearly is still very much a work in progress.

Three activists were prevented from attending Obama’s meeting with civic leaders, the White House acknowledg­ed, and even administra­tion protests lodged with the Vietnamese government couldn’t change that.

In his public remarks, though, Obama chose to focus on the positive and tread lightly on the setbacks.

“Vietnam has made remarkable strides in many ways — the economy is growing quickly, the Internet is booming and there’s a growing confidence here,” Obama told reporters after his meeting with the activists. But then he added: “There are still areas of significan­t concern in terms of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, accountabi­lity with respect to government.”

Later, in a speech to more than 2,000 Vietnamese citizens, including students and government officials, Obama again took up the matter of human rights carefully, saying that “no nation is perfect” and listing the United States’ own shortcomin­gs first.

Only then did Obama address the Vietnamese government’s own need to do more to respect human rights. He made his argument on economic grounds:

“When there is freedom of expression and freedom of speech, and when people can share ideas and access the Internet and social media without restrictio­n, that fuels the innovation economies need to thrive,” Obama said. “That’s where new ideas happen. That’s how a Facebook starts. “

A, one of the activists prevented from meeting with Obama, said the president’s human rights push was a difficult balancing act. “I would welcome it if he had been a bit stronger,” A said of Obama. But he added that human rights advocates are idealists, and politician­s “have to consider so many other things.”

From Hanoi, Obama traveled to Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon. The president noted the transforma­tion of the U.S.-Vietnamese relationsh­ip from wartime enemies to cooperatio­n.

 ?? CArolyn KAster/AssoCiAteD Press ?? President Barack obama greets women at the door as he walks from a Hanoi restaurant. later, he traveled to Ho Chi Min City, where he met with entreprenu­ers to tout his 12-nation trans-Pacific trade deal that is stalled in Congress.
CArolyn KAster/AssoCiAteD Press President Barack obama greets women at the door as he walks from a Hanoi restaurant. later, he traveled to Ho Chi Min City, where he met with entreprenu­ers to tout his 12-nation trans-Pacific trade deal that is stalled in Congress.

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