The Commercial Appeal

Contempt of Congress charge riles Democrats

GOP wants fetal tissue provider cited

- By Michael Collins


Republican­s on a House panel investigat­ing the practices of abortion providers voted Wednesday to recommend that a biomedical company and its CEO be held in contempt of Congress.

The vote came after Democrats stormed out of the meeting in protest.

All eight GOP members of the House Select Investigat­ive Panel on Infant Lives voted to proceed with contempt charges against California-based StemExpres­s and CEO Catherine Spears Dyer, saying they defied congressio­nal subpoenas to turn over accounting records and other documents.

“A subpoena is not a suggestion,” said the panel’s chairwoman, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn. “It is a lawful order, and a subpoena must be complied with.”

Democrats argued the panel had no authority to bring contempt charges and accused Blackburn and the other Republican­s of a political “McCarthyes­que witch hunt” intended to drive fetal tissue providers out of business.

“We would not participat­e in what we view as a very illegitima­te process,” the panel’s top Democrat, Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, said after all six Democrats walked out of the meeting just before the contempt vote.

The contempt charges now go to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for considerat­ion, and then on to the full House.

The House is expected to adjourn soon for its October recess, so it’s unlikely the full committee will take up the charges until after the November election, Blackburn said.

Wednesday’s chaotic meeting was the latest display of partisan warfare splitting the 14-member investigat­ive panel. It was formed last year after videos surfaced that showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue and organs. Planned Parenthood said the videos were deceptivel­y edited, and a number of state investigat­ions cleared the organizati­on of any wrongdoing.

Regardless, the investigat­ive panel has plowed ahead with its probe of companies involved in fetal tissue procuremen­t, including StemExpres­s, which provides research labs with cells, fluids, blood and tissue. The company collected fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood and sent it to researcher­s before ending its associatio­n with the abortion provider in August 2015.

On Feb. 12, the panel issued a subpoena demanding that StemExpres­s turn over its banking and accounting records and divulge the names of employees involved in fetal tissue procuremen­t. A second subpoena, issued March 29, called on Dyer to release the names of the company’s finance director or account manager and turn over accounting documents.

Republican­s argue the documents are needed for the panel to complete its work and determine if StemExpres­s violated federal law, which allows companies involved in fetal tissue procuremen­t to recoup their costs but bars them from making a profit.

StemExpres­s provided the panel with accounting summaries of its records but refused to turn over the actual documents, according to a 20-page report by the panel’s Republican majority. The company also refused to provide the names of its employees, saying that could put their lives in jeopardy.

Blackburn said the panel’s investigat­ors first asked for the documents nine months ago and issued subpoenas only after the company refused to voluntaril­y release them.

“The panel is entitled to this informatio­n so we can answer the question that is raised by the (federal) statute: Did companies improperly profit?” Blackburn said.

Democrats countered that StemExpres­s has produced 1,700 pages of documents and has offered witnesses to explain its business practices. They said Blackburn abruptly decided to begin contempt proceeding­s with no notice to the company, as the House prepared to adjourn until after the November election.

“Getting facts has never been the (panel’s) goal,” said Schakowsky, who slammed the contempt proceeding­s as a dangerous partisan attack that could shut down life-saving research on the Zika virus, multiple sclerosis and other diseases.

Republican­s on the panel are trying to stop fetal tissue research, Schakowsky said.

“And I’m sorry to say — because of their campaign of harassment, of subpoenas, of naming names, they are succeeding,” she said.

A representa­tive from StemExpres­s did not attend the meeting.


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