The Commercial Appeal

European probe falls silent right before Mars landing

Touching down on planet has proved notoriousl­y tricky

- Traci Watson

“Mars Curse” may have claimed another victim.

Europe’s Schiaparel­li lander, scheduled to settle into the Martian dust at 10:48 a.m. EDT Wednesday, went silent a minute or so before its expected landing time.

Engineers hoped to find out more from Europe’s Mars Express spacecraft, which is now in orbit around Mars and perked up its ears for signals from Schiaparel­li. But the recording made by Mars Express was “inconclusi­ve,” according to a tweet from the operations group of the European Space Agency, which operates both Mars Express and Schiaparel­li.

“The signal (from Schiaparel­li) went through the majority of the descent phase, but it stopped at a certain point that we reckon was before the landing,” Paolo Ferri, ESA’s head of operations, said at mission control in Darmstadt, Germany, the Associated Press reported.

“To conclude more on this, because there could be many reasons for that, we need more informatio­n,” he said. “It’s clear that these are not good signs.”

An update is expected Thursday, Ferri said.

Amid the anxiety about Schiaparel­li, Mars did deliver some good news: The new Trace Gas Orbiter spacecraft successful­ly swung into orbit around the planet Wednesday. The spacecraft will sniff out gases such as methane that might be a sign that life once occupied — or still does occupy — the fourth planet from the sun.

If Schiaparel­li didn’t touch down safely on Mars, it will join a long list of landers that fell prey to the challenges of the task. Over the past three decades, roughly half of all Mars missions — both orbiters and landers — have failed. Only seven craft have survived a landing intact, all of them launched and operated by NASA.

It’s still possible that Mars Express will hear from the lander and relay the news to ground controller­s, but “it doesn’t look great,” said Colin Wilson of Britain’s University of Oxford, who is responsibl­e for one of the scientific instrument­s on Schiaparel­li.

A signal transmitte­d from the lander to a giant telescope in India suggested the lander’s parachute deployed and then fell off, as planned. After the parachute was jettisoned, thrusters were supposed to fire to cushion the lander’s fall even more. But it’s not clear whether those thruster engines turned on as expected.

“It probably succeeded in the parachute phase,” Wilson said. “Then the question is, ‘What happened?’ ”

Schiaparel­li’s trip began in March, when it rode to space aboard a Russian rocket. For seven months, the lander was bound at the metal hip to the Trace Gas Orbiter. It shoved off the orbiter Sunday, and Schiaparel­li began its solo, treacherTh­e ous trip to Meridiani Planum, a flat area near the Martian equator.

Landing on Mars is so tricky that Schiaparel­li, which is about as big across as a picnic table, was loaded up with four kinds of technology to help ensure a successful descent. The spacecraft contained a heat shield to safeguard it from the broiling heat of streaking through the Martian atmosphere at some 12,000 mph and a parachute, with Kevlar lines and nylon canopy, to catch the ship as it bombed toward the planet.

Nine engines were on board, set to fire up and slow Schiaparel­li even more before turning off 6 feet above the planet, putting the ship into free fall. Finally, the craft contained an aluminum, crushable structure, like a car bumper, meant to absorb the brunt of the lander’s impact onto Martian soil and keep it from bouncing.

If Schiaparel­li did survive, it won’t have long to live. Lacking wheels and solar panels, the lander will die young in the spot where it first touched Martian soil. Still, if its landing is deemed successful, Schiaparel­li will have met its central goal of testing technologi­es to be incorporat­ed into a EuropeanRu­ssian Mars rover scheduled for launch in 2020.

As a bonus, over its lifespan of a few days, Schiaparel­li would also beam back data about Martian dust and atmospheri­c conditions, and the measuremen­ts it took as it plummeted toward the planet will improve scientists’ understand­ing of the planet’s climate and weather.

 ?? D. DUCROS/EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY VIA AP ?? An artist’s impression depicts the separation of the Schiaparel­li lander, center, from the Trace Gas Orbiter as the lander heads to Mars. Europe lost contact with the lander.
D. DUCROS/EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY VIA AP An artist’s impression depicts the separation of the Schiaparel­li lander, center, from the Trace Gas Orbiter as the lander heads to Mars. Europe lost contact with the lander.
 ?? UWE ANSPACH/DPA VIA AP ?? An employee works in the control center of the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, Germany, on Wednesday.
UWE ANSPACH/DPA VIA AP An employee works in the control center of the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, Germany, on Wednesday.

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