The Commercial Appeal

God never gives up on us despite our sins, failures


Q: Does God ever give up on us? I’ve failed him so many times that I don’t even ask him to forgive me anymore. I’ve got to get my life together, but I don’t know how.

— R.C. A: No, God never gives up on us. Our sins may drive us farther and farther away from him — but even then, he still loves us and yearns for us to repent and turn to him for the forgivenes­s and help we need.

The Bible says, “But you, lord, are a compassion­ate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulne­ss” (Psalm 86:15).

God never gives up on us — but tragically, all too often we give up on God! We think he doesn’t care about us, or we get upset with him because he doesn’t do what we want him to do.

Have you given up on God by assuming He’ll no longer forgive you or help you? Perhaps you have — but I urge you not to make this mistake any longer.

Instead, reach out and by faith thank God for his love for you. How can you know he loves you? The proof is Jesus Christ, who came down from Heaven and gave his life for you. He is the ultimate proof of God’s love for us.

Don’t depend on yourself and your abilities any longer. Instead, open the door of your heart to Jesus Christ, and invite him to come in and take control of your life. We’re never the same once Christ comes into our hearts. He’ll not only forgive you, but He’ll help free you from sin’s grip. Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in” (Revelation 3:20).

Send your queries to “My Answer,” c/o Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelist­ic Associatio­n, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, N.C., 28201; call 1-(877) 2-GRAHAM, or visit www.billygraha­

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