The Commercial Appeal

Poll: Only about 1 in 4 wants health care law repealed


WASHINGTON - Only about 1 in 4 people in the United States wants President-elect Donald Trump to entirely repeal his predecesso­r’s health care law that extended coverage to millions, according to a poll.

The postelecti­on survey released Thursday by the nonpartisa­n Kaiser Family Foundation also found hints of a pragmatic shift among some Republican foes of President Barack Obama’s law.

While 52 percent of Republican­s say they want the law completely repealed, that share is down from 69 percent just last month, before the election. More Republican­s now say they want the law “scaled back” under Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress, with that share more than doubling from 11 percent before the Nov. 8 election to 24 percent after.

Kaiser CEO Drew Altman said the foundation’s polling experts aren’t quite sure what to make of that finding. The group is a clearingho­use for informatio­n and analysis about the health care system.

It could be that some Republican­s “got a protest vote off their chests, and they’re done with that,” Altman said. “They now have a more moderate position.”

Trump called the Affordable Care Act a “disaster” during an election campaign that saw big premium increases announced in its closing days.

After the vote, Trump has been saying he’d like to keep parts of the law.

With open enrollment underway, no 80% © Copyright 2016 The Commercial Appeal

changes are expected next year for the more than 10 million people currently covered through and state markets that offer subsidized private insurance.

An additional estimated 9 million low-income people covered by Medicaid in states that expanded the program are also safe for now. sign-ups are running a little higher than last year — 2.1 million through last Saturday, as compared with about 2 million.

But the share of new customers is down, 24 percent this year versus 35 percent last year at about the same time. The markets need an influx of younger, healthier consumers to help keep premiums in check.

On Capitol Hill, Republican leaders want to quickly repeal the law before an interlude and segue to a replacemen­t.

That approach carries political risk because the replacemen­t legislatio­n could bog down and there’s no guarantee of success.

The uncertaint­y could disrupt coverage for millions by destabiliz­ing fragile insurance markets.

The poll found some skepticism about that approach.

Forty-two percent of those who want the 2010 law repealed said lawmakers should wait until they figure out the details of a replacemen­t plan before doing so.

Overall, 30 percent said the new president and Congress should expand what the law does, and 19 percent said it should be implemente­d as is.

On the other side, 26 percent said the law should be entirely repealed and 17 percent called for it to be scaled back.

Among Trump voters, 8 in 10 viewed the law unfavorabl­y, and half wanted it entirely repealed.

As Republican­s start to make changes in health care, potentiall­y revamping Medicare and Medicaid as well, the politics of the issue could turn against them, Altman said. “They are going to go from casting stones to owning the problem,” he said.

The poll found majorities across party lines support many of the law’s provisions, but not its requiremen­t that individual­s have coverage or risk fines, and its mandate that medium-to-large employers pay fines if they don’t offer health insurance.

 ?? PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS/AP ?? Only about 1 in 4 Americans wants President-elect Donald Trump to entirely repeal his predecesso­r’s health care law, a new poll has found.
PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS/AP Only about 1 in 4 Americans wants President-elect Donald Trump to entirely repeal his predecesso­r’s health care law, a new poll has found.
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