The Commercial Appeal

Democrats aim to rebuild blue political wall in the Midwest


DES MOINES, Iowa With the dust now settled from the election, Democrats are looking to rebuild the political “blue wall” of traditiona­lly Democratic upper Midwest and Great Lakes states that Republican Donald Trump captured with an appeal to white, working-class voters.

Hillary Clinton’s failure to hold key blocs of these voters helped seal Trump’s stunning electoral victory and leaves Democrats with a gaping, perhaps long-term hole in the party’s national battle front. Trump boasted of his accomplish­ment at a post-election rally in Ohio.

The president-elect crowed: “We didn’t break it, we shattered that sucker. We shattered it, man. That poor wall is busted up.”

Trump carried Michigan and Pennsylvan­ia, where Democratic nominees had won the previous six presidenti­al elections. Trump also won Wisconsin, carried by Democrats in seven straight tries, and Iowa, carried just once by a Republican over the same period.

In each, Trump vastly outperform­ed 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney in rural areas, while also seizing more typically Democratic-voting small cities and working-class suburbs.

Should Democratic voting continue to lag Republican­s in midterm elections, as it did in in 2014, the results could be devastatin­g in two years, when the party will defend Senate seats in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvan­ia and try to retake governorsh­ips in Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin.

“Democrats suffered the consequenc­es of apathy and selective amnesia over the past midterms and arrogance over the presidenti­al electorate,” said Haley Morris, a senior adviser to Democrat Gary Peters’ Michigan Senate campaign, among the Democrats’ few 2014 victories in the region. “We got walloped across the Midwest in 2010 and 2014. Democrats had a glimpse of what the results could look like without Barack Obama on the ticket and ignored it.”

Mark Jefferson, the Republican National Committee’s Midwest regional political director, said the GOP consistent­ly focused on “blue-collar Reagan Democrats, who were heavily trending toward Trump.”

County-specific, unofficial national voting data tabulated by the Associated Press show Clinton received fewer votes than Trump in places Democrats had banked on for consecutiv­e elections — and even decades — such as Dubuque County, Iowa.

Clinton’s 22,774 Dubuque County total fell roughly 6,000 short of Obama’s 28,768 in 2012 and more than 1,000 behind his 23,791 in 2008.

Dubuque’s Rebecca Thoeni, a lifelong Democrat until recently, said Clinton did not seem to reach out to her or her peers in 2016.

“Then I saw Donald Trump, and he got out there and showed he was serious about keeping jobs,” said Thoeni, who attended a Dubuque Trump rally in January.

Thoeni’s is a scenario that echoed loudly around the country, where 6 in 10 white women without college degrees said they voted for Trump, according to exit polls conducted for the Associated Press by Edison Research.

And it played out in the thousands in Macomb County, Michigan, home to 10 percent of the state’s voters. After railing for months against the North American Free Trade Agreement, enacted under President Bill Clinton, Trump won Macomb by 48,000 votes. Clinton received 176,238 votes, compared with Obama’s 208,016 in 2012 and 223,754 in 2008.

“In counties decimated by trade deals, decades of talking points don’t pay the bills,” said Robert Becker, who ran Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ winning campaign for the Michigan Democratic presidenti­al 2016 primary.

Clinton did not have ties to working-class white voters as strong as those of her husband, who had been governor of Arkansas, said political historian Mary Frances Berry of the University of Pennsylvan­ia. The Democratic Party is seen by ordinary, working people as “caring about the cultural, managerial and profession­al elite,” she said, “not about them.”

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